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· Nuke-Blöcke/Clocks (16)

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  oscNukelite-Block: Forum Center Block vs. 2.0  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: Block forum center, useful for information!
Version: 2.0 Dateigröße: 3.15 Kb
Eingetragen am: 21. 02. 2004 Wartende Downloads: 1073
Homepage | Bewerten | Details
Kategorie: ! osC & Nuke / osC Nukelite

  Super scroll vs. 1.0  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: Do you have or want to include in your front page messages, or in articles a very long text content with hundreds of words, coloured text and background, resizable coloured borders, images and link, without using lot space? Well if you are interested there is a quick and simple solution by using this super and only 13K applet scroll, which can be used anywhere including blocks!
Version: 1.0 Dateigröße: 13.98 Kb
Eingetragen am: 12. 02. 2003 Wartende Downloads: 1072
Homepage | Bewerten | Details
Kategorie: ! PHPNuke-Admin-Tools

  NukeTab vs. 1.0  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: NukeTab V1.0 für PHPNuke 6.5 ermöglicht es den Netscape/Mozilla Usern ein Sidebarpanel deiner Seite zu installieren. Das Sidebarpanel enthält den linken Blockbereich entsprechend den eingestellten Einschränkungen für diese Blocks!
Version: 1.0 Dateigröße: 12.04 Kb
Eingetragen am: 19. 07. 2003 Wartende Downloads: 1072
Homepage | Bewerten | Details
Kategorie: Nuke-Module/Zusätzliche

  Modules-Block Mod  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: It categorizes your links in a Tree Menu also has the added Drop Down and Search function. Its all run by mySQL so you dont have to edit the block everytime you add a new module (currently this is only IE compatible)!
Version: 1.0 Dateigröße: 14.06 Kb
Eingetragen am: 27. 12. 2003 Wartende Downloads: 1072
Homepage | Bewerten | Details
Kategorie: - Nuke Mods & Hacks

  NSN Your_Account-Modul 660 Alpha  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: Features in this version (+ denotes new features in this version):
+ Mail domains can be blocked from being used for new user accounts.
- These are stored in the config table.
+ Strings can be blocked from being used in new user account usernames.
- These are stored in the config table.
+ Account Activation time can be set from No Limit to 30 days.
+ Email must be entered twice to help prevent typos in email addresses.
+ Username min and max length are settable.
+ Password min and max length are settable.
+ New user account must fill out the profile form before being activated.
+ More minor updates.
- Addition of ChatServ's Avatar Control Panel.
- Improved scripting.
- Enhanced Admin panels.
- Greater control of users.
- Admin can turn the security image on or off.
- Forced login to use username in database. i.e. Test not test
- Admins can allow user self deletion.
- Admins can block user email changes.
- Admins can block user theme changes.
- Admins can choose to bypass email activation.
- Admins can now modify pending user details.
- Admins can now view pending user details.
- Admins can resend Activation Email.
- Admins can suspend users.
- Allows for Required User approval by Admin.
- Blocks usernames with preset strings in them.
- Cookie killer routine for suspended and deactivated accounts.
- Improved NavBar scripting.
- Optionally send the admin an email when someone registers.
- Optionally send the admin an email when someone unregisters.
- Provides for servers without mail support.
- Users can be promoted to Admin by SuperUser ONLY.
- Also sets the user account as forum admin!
(Deutschsprachige NSN-Scripte finden Sie bei!)
Version: 320_A1 Dateigröße: 80.56 Kb
Eingetragen am: 08. 02. 2004 Wartende Downloads: 1072
Homepage | Bewerten | Details
Kategorie: Nuke-Module/NSN Block vs. 1.0  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: Display syndicated stories from on your site!
Version: 1.0 Dateigröße: 557 bytes
Eingetragen am: 22. 02. 2004 Wartende Downloads: 1071
Homepage | Bewerten | Details
Kategorie: Nuke-Blöcke/News

  Feedback IBD vs. 1.3/6.0  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: Updated Feedback module includes error checking and support for a feedback block. The block looks best in center position. If errors in block entry, user is taken to default module screen!
Version: 1.3 Dateigröße: 5.96 Kb
Eingetragen am: 10. 12. 2003 Wartende Downloads: 1070
Homepage | Bewerten | Details
Kategorie: Nuke-Module/Contact+Feedback

  NSN Your_Account-Modul 720 Alpha 4  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: Features in this version (+ denotes new features in this version):
+ Bug Fix Release
- sendmail repair to help prevent bounce backs
- Mail domains can be blocked from being used for new user accounts.
- These are stored in the config table.
- Strings can be blocked from being used in new user account usernames.
- These are stored in the config table.
- Account Activation time can be set from No Limit to 30 days.
+ Email must be entered twice to help prevent typos in email addresses.
- Username min and max length are settable.
+ Password min and max length are settable.
+ New user account must fill out the profile form before being activated.
+ More minor updates.
- Addition of ChatServ's Avatar Control Panel.
- Improved scripting.
- Enhanced Admin panels.
- Greater control of users.
- Admin can turn the security image on or off.
- Forced login to use username in database. i.e. Test not test
- Admins can allow user self deletion.
- Admins can block user email changes.
- Admins can block user theme changes.
- Admins can choose to bypass email activation.
- Admins can now modify pending user details.
- Admins can now view pending user details.
- Admins can resend Activation Email.
- Admins can suspend users.
- Allows for Required User approval by Admin.
- Blocks usernames with preset strings in them.
- Cookie killer routine for suspended and deactivated accounts.
- Improved NavBar scripting.
- Optionally send the admin an email when someone registers.
- Optionally send the admin an email when someone unregisters.
- Provides for servers without mail support.
- Users can be promoted to Admin by SuperUser ONLY.
- Also sets the user account as forum admin!
Version: 3.2.0 A 4 Dateigröße: 83.30 Kb
Eingetragen am: 10. 04. 2004 Wartende Downloads: 1069
Homepage | Bewerten | Details
Kategorie: Nuke-Module/NSN

  NSN Your_Account-Modul 670 Alpha  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: Features in this version (+ denotes new features in this version):
+ Mail domains can be blocked from being used for new user accounts.
- These are stored in the config table.
+ Strings can be blocked from being used in new user account usernames.
- These are stored in the config table.
+ Account Activation time can be set from No Limit to 30 days.
+ Email must be entered twice to help prevent typos in email addresses.
+ Username min and max length are settable.
+ Password min and max length are settable.
+ New user account must fill out the profile form before being activated.
+ More minor updates.
- Addition of ChatServ's Avatar Control Panel.
- Improved scripting.
- Enhanced Admin panels.
- Greater control of users.
- Admin can turn the security image on or off.
- Forced login to use username in database. i.e. Test not test
- Admins can allow user self deletion.
- Admins can block user email changes.
- Admins can block user theme changes.
- Admins can choose to bypass email activation.
- Admins can now modify pending user details.
- Admins can now view pending user details.
- Admins can resend Activation Email.
- Admins can suspend users.
- Allows for Required User approval by Admin.
- Blocks usernames with preset strings in them.
- Cookie killer routine for suspended and deactivated accounts.
- Improved NavBar scripting.
- Optionally send the admin an email when someone registers.
- Optionally send the admin an email when someone unregisters.
- Provides for servers without mail support.
- Users can be promoted to Admin by SuperUser ONLY.
- Also sets the user account as forum admin!
(Deutschsprachige NSN-Scripte finden Sie bei!)
Version: 320_A1 Dateigröße: 80.57 Kb
Eingetragen am: 08. 02. 2004 Wartende Downloads: 1068
Homepage | Bewerten | Details
Kategorie: Nuke-Module/NSN

  Matrix Block  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: Simple block in Matrix-Style!
Version: 1.0 Dateigröße: 2.17 Kb
Eingetragen am: 24. 11. 2003 Wartende Downloads: 1066
Bewerten | Details
Kategorie: Nuke-Blöcke/Zusätzliche

  oscNukelite-Block: Hauptmenü Sommaire  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: This is the navigation menu as on on the left (main-menue)!
Version: 1 Dateigröße: 66.52 Kb
Eingetragen am: 21. 02. 2004 Wartende Downloads: 1065
Homepage | Bewerten | Details
Kategorie: ! osC & Nuke / osC Nukelite

  SiteInfo-Admin-addon vs. 1.4  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: SiteInfo is an Admin addon which is a mix of several existing blocks. I did just mix then and modified them to my own needs and added functionality. It shows all kind of information of the users which are online and some statistics. For phpNUKE Version 6.0!
Version: 1.4 Dateigröße: 28.45 Kb
Eingetragen am: 10. 11. 2002 Wartende Downloads: 1063
Homepage | Bewerten | Details
Kategorie: ! PHPNuke-Admin-Tools

  NWC Music vs. 2.5.0  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: Nwc Music is the module/block/admin that plays NWC music files in your PHPNuke site!
Version: 2.5.0 Dateigröße: 36.83 Kb
Eingetragen am: 28. 07. 2003 Wartende Downloads: 1062
Homepage | Bewerten | Details
Kategorie: Nuke-Module/Movies&Music

  Language Block vs. 1.2 tar.gz  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: This language block replaces the flag/language selection block shiped with phpnuke. The difference is when you change language with this block you stay on the same page! Download block-CPG-change-language Today. This version fixes previous bugs:
Bad link on home module page (v1) ... The fact that multiple instances of newlang=english&newlang=dutch&newlang=english could be added to querystring(v1-1.1)!
Version: 1.2 Dateigröße: 1.61 Kb
Eingetragen am: 10. 01. 2004 Wartende Downloads: 1060
Homepage | Bewerten | Details
Kategorie: Nuke-Blöcke/Zusätzliche

  NSN Your_Account-Modul 710 Alpha 3  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: Features in this version (+ denotes new features in this version):
+ sendmail repair to help prevent bounce backs
+ Mail domains can be blocked from being used for new user accounts.
- These are stored in the config table.
+ Strings can be blocked from being used in new user account usernames.
- These are stored in the config table.
+ Account Activation time can be set from No Limit to 30 days.
+ Email must be entered twice to help prevent typos in email addresses.
+ Username min and max length are settable.
+ Password min and max length are settable.
+ New user account must fill out the profile form before being activated.
+ More minor updates.
- Addition of ChatServ's Avatar Control Panel.
- Improved scripting.
- Enhanced Admin panels.
- Greater control of users.
- Admin can turn the security image on or off.
- Forced login to use username in database. i.e. Test not test
- Admins can allow user self deletion.
- Admins can block user email changes.
- Admins can block user theme changes.
- Admins can choose to bypass email activation.
- Admins can now modify pending user details.
- Admins can now view pending user details.
- Admins can resend Activation Email.
- Admins can suspend users.
- Allows for Required User approval by Admin.
- Blocks usernames with preset strings in them.
- Cookie killer routine for suspended and deactivated accounts.
- Improved NavBar scripting.
- Optionally send the admin an email when someone registers.
- Optionally send the admin an email when someone unregisters.
- Provides for servers without mail support.
- Users can be promoted to Admin by SuperUser ONLY.
- Also sets the user account as forum admin!
(Deutschsprachige NSN-Scripte finden Sie bei!)
Version: 320_A3 Dateigröße: 87.48 Kb
Eingetragen am: 07. 03. 2004 Wartende Downloads: 1059
Homepage | Bewerten | Details
Kategorie: Nuke-Module/NSN

  NSN Your_Account-Modul 660 Alpha 3  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: Features in this version (+ denotes new features in this version):
+ sendmail repair to help prevent bounce backs
+ Mail domains can be blocked from being used for new user accounts.
- These are stored in the config table.
+ Strings can be blocked from being used in new user account usernames.
- These are stored in the config table.
+ Account Activation time can be set from No Limit to 30 days.
+ Email must be entered twice to help prevent typos in email addresses.
+ Username min and max length are settable.
+ Password min and max length are settable.
+ New user account must fill out the profile form before being activated.
+ More minor updates.
- Addition of ChatServ's Avatar Control Panel.
- Improved scripting.
- Enhanced Admin panels.
- Greater control of users.
- Admin can turn the security image on or off.
- Forced login to use username in database. i.e. Test not test
- Admins can allow user self deletion.
- Admins can block user email changes.
- Admins can block user theme changes.
- Admins can choose to bypass email activation.
- Admins can now modify pending user details.
- Admins can now view pending user details.
- Admins can resend Activation Email.
- Admins can suspend users.
- Allows for Required User approval by Admin.
- Blocks usernames with preset strings in them.
- Cookie killer routine for suspended and deactivated accounts.
- Improved NavBar scripting.
- Optionally send the admin an email when someone registers.
- Optionally send the admin an email when someone unregisters.
- Provides for servers without mail support.
- Users can be promoted to Admin by SuperUser ONLY.
- Also sets the user account as forum admin!
(Deutschsprachige NSN-Scripte finden Sie bei!)
Version: 320_A3 Dateigröße: 80.78 Kb
Eingetragen am: 07. 03. 2004 Wartende Downloads: 1058
Homepage | Bewerten | Details
Kategorie: Nuke-Module/NSN

  PracticeTest (ProjSource) vs. 1.2  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: I am pleased to announce that version 1.2 of the practice tests module for phpNUKE Version 5.5 & 5.6 is now released. It contains the following new features: Support of PHP Block. History for Students to review their own past tests. Ability to continue a test that was interrupted!
Version: 1.2 Dateigröße: 71.76 Kb
Eingetragen am: 11. 12. 2002 Wartende Downloads: 1055
Homepage | Bewerten | Details
Kategorie: Nuke-Module/Zusätzliche

  Info Center vs. 0.2  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: The block displays to your visitors there IP, Browser Type, Platform, and language. For postNUKE Version 0.7.2.x!
Version: 0.2 Dateigröße: 2.82 Kb
Eingetragen am: 25. 02. 2003 Wartende Downloads: 1055
Homepage | Bewerten | Details
Kategorie: - PostNuke-Adapting

  Feedback IBD vs. 1.3/6.5  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: Feedback module and block for PHPnuke 6.5. Just like the one for version 6.0, this will allow a block feedback form. Has error checking built in!
Version: 1.3 Dateigröße: 6.02 Kb
Eingetragen am: 10. 12. 2003 Wartende Downloads: 1055
Homepage | Bewerten | Details
Kategorie: Nuke-Module/Contact+Feedback

  PracticeTest (Source) vs. 1.1  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: Version 1.1 of the practice/mock exam module. As I got questions from different countries, I thought it would be good if your candidates would get a localised system. The current version comes with a German and an English language file. For phpNUKE Version 5.5 & 5.6!
Version: 1.1 Dateigröße: 20.83 Kb
Eingetragen am: 11. 12. 2002 Wartende Downloads: 1053
Homepage | Bewerten | Details
Kategorie: Nuke-Module/Zusätzliche

  Favourite Links Block vs. 1  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: Block to show your favourite links, as selected by you with the included admin module!
Version: 1 Dateigröße: 30.70 Kb
Eingetragen am: 06. 03. 2004 Wartende Downloads: 1053
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Kategorie: Nuke-Blöcke/Zusätzliche

  Block the RIAA  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: Block that will let others know that you are blocking known RIAA IP addresses. This file also contains the list of IPs in several formats including .htaccess for your web server!
Version: 1.0 Dateigröße: 72.37 Kb
Eingetragen am: 15. 10. 2003 Wartende Downloads: 1052
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Kategorie: Nuke-Blöcke/Zusätzliche

  HotRide 7.1  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: A red corvette, leather, gold, black and red theme for PHP-Nuke 7.1. Separate left and right blocks for customisation. Themes can be viewed onsite in demo accounts!
Version: 0.1 Dateigröße: 115.12 Kb
Eingetragen am: 22. 02. 2004 Wartende Downloads: 1052
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Kategorie: Nuke-Themes/Einzelne

  PracticeTest (Source) vs. 1.3  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: Practice Tests Addon/Module for phpNUKE Version 5.5 & 5.6. It now can be used as Block and/or Module (see readme.txt). The students can review taken tests and check even check the question for the correct answer. This version has been tested with PHP 4.0.6 and 4.2.2 and PHP Nuke 5!
Version: 1.3 Dateigröße: 71.76 Kb
Eingetragen am: 11. 12. 2002 Wartende Downloads: 1051
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Kategorie: Nuke-Module/Zusätzliche

  Paladins PHP-Nuke-6.5-Block Modules vs. 1.0  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: This simple tweak gives you a more optimized Modules block. It puts Invisible Modules into a drop-down box and allows all Registered Users access to those modules. It also puts Inactive Modules into a drop-down box visible only to administrators. Released under the terms of the GNU-GPL!
Version: 1.0 Dateigröße: 8.80 Kb
Eingetragen am: 30. 11. 2003 Wartende Downloads: 1050
Homepage | Bewerten | Details
Kategorie: Nuke-Blöcke/Zusätzliche

  AllPostersStore vs. 1.5  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: The AllPosters Store v1.2 module is out now. A nice and simple module to put an online poster store on your site and earn you some commission. It now supports every known Allposter Advert type and has a new side and centre block!
Version: 1.5 Dateigröße: 18.68 Kb
Eingetragen am: 10. 04. 2004 Wartende Downloads: 1050
Homepage | Bewerten | Details
Kategorie: Nuke-Module/Shopping

  Translation Block vs. 1.0  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: Dieser Block übersetzt mit Hilfe Googles ein gesamtes PHPNuke-Portal in Englisch, Französisch oder Deutsch!
Version: 1.0 Dateigröße: 1.03 Kb
Eingetragen am: 28. 02. 2003 Wartende Downloads: 1049 Bewertung: 1.00 (1 Stimme)
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Kategorie: Nuke-Blöcke/Zusätzliche

  GameTech Theme vs. 1  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: A gaming theme for nuke. A simple theme with a spacey header for game images. This theme can also be used for other purposes, not just gaming. Theme stretched at 100% in width, blocks sizes at 170PX. Header navigation links controlled by the theme cpanel (included in the package). Also comes with encryption features just like all the other themes. Thanks to Maku from who played a big part in developing it. Package comes with extra fonts and blank images for adding your own gaming images!
Version: 1 Dateigröße: 289.90 Kb
Eingetragen am: 06. 08. 2004 Wartende Downloads: 1049
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Kategorie: Nuke-Themes/Einzelne

  PracticeTest vs. 2.1  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: For all of you that have been waiting to get your hands on the latest version of the Practice Test module/block, its has been released. If you used it before, here is what has changed: fixed all known bugs - more comments within the code - html based install notes - minor changes ( e.g. added back button on review ) - Added the contribute question feature for users - The last one is a great step forward as it allows your users to add questions to you database, you get a view the list of contributed questions and after eviewing you simply activate them. For phpNUKE Version 5.5 - 6.0!
Version: 2.1 Dateigröße: 40.95 Kb
Eingetragen am: 11. 12. 2002 Wartende Downloads: 1048
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Kategorie: Nuke-Module/Zusätzliche

  Scrolling Block past articles vs. 0.1  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: A block to see past articles with scroll. For phpNUKE Version 5.5 - 6.0!
Version: 0.1 Dateigröße: 4.15 Kb
Eingetragen am: 05. 02. 2003 Wartende Downloads: 1048
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Kategorie: Nuke-Blöcke/Zusätzliche

  Rainbow Right Theme  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: Blocks on the right, and a touch of rainbow colors to brighten up the place! Very few images, fast loading. Best viewed in 1024 x 768 - 1152 x 864 resolutions. Banner Friendly :)
Version: 1.0 Dateigröße: 15.73 Kb
Eingetragen am: 11. 12. 2002 Wartende Downloads: 1045
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Kategorie: Nuke-Themes/Einzelne

  NSN Supporters vs. 710 105  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: All new module. Allows your registered users to signup as "Supporters" for your site. Will upload a users graphic along with creating an entry in your database for the supporter.
- Admin has finial approval of submitted supporters.
+ 2 blocks are supplied, 1 scrolls up and the other scrolls to the left.
+ Admin can set for image to be linked or uploaded.
+ Admin can set for membership to be required or not reqiured.
+ Admin can add new supporters from admin section (NSN-Francias).
(Deutschsprachige NSN-Scripte finden Sie bei!)
Version: 7.1 1.0.5 Dateigröße: 19.96 Kb
Eingetragen am: 21. 02. 2004 Wartende Downloads: 1044
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Kategorie: Nuke-Module/NSN

  NSN Your_Account-Modul 710 Alpha 4  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: Features in this version (+ denotes new features in this version):
+ Bug Fix Release
- sendmail repair to help prevent bounce backs
- Mail domains can be blocked from being used for new user accounts.
- These are stored in the config table.
- Strings can be blocked from being used in new user account usernames.
- These are stored in the config table.
- Account Activation time can be set from No Limit to 30 days.
+ Email must be entered twice to help prevent typos in email addresses.
- Username min and max length are settable.
+ Password min and max length are settable.
+ New user account must fill out the profile form before being activated.
+ More minor updates.
- Addition of ChatServ's Avatar Control Panel.
- Improved scripting.
- Enhanced Admin panels.
- Greater control of users.
- Admin can turn the security image on or off.
- Forced login to use username in database. i.e. Test not test
- Admins can allow user self deletion.
- Admins can block user email changes.
- Admins can block user theme changes.
- Admins can choose to bypass email activation.
- Admins can now modify pending user details.
- Admins can now view pending user details.
- Admins can resend Activation Email.
- Admins can suspend users.
- Allows for Required User approval by Admin.
- Blocks usernames with preset strings in them.
- Cookie killer routine for suspended and deactivated accounts.
- Improved NavBar scripting.
- Optionally send the admin an email when someone registers.
- Optionally send the admin an email when someone unregisters.
- Provides for servers without mail support.
- Users can be promoted to Admin by SuperUser ONLY.
- Also sets the user account as forum admin!
Version: 3.2.0 A 4 Dateigröße: 83.31 Kb
Eingetragen am: 10. 04. 2004 Wartende Downloads: 1039
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Kategorie: Nuke-Module/NSN

  Top 10 Blocks  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: Die original Top 10 Blocks aus PHP-Nuke 5.6 - 6.0, die in der Ausgabe der Daten besser formatiert wurden. Ausserdem wird anstatt der Position eine Graphik angezeigt!
Version: 1.0 Dateigröße: 3.20 Kb
Eingetragen am: 14. 12. 2002 Wartende Downloads: 1037
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Kategorie: Nuke-Blöcke/Zusätzliche

  NSN Your_Account-Modul 680 Alpha 3  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: Features in this version (+ denotes new features in this version):
+ sendmail repair to help prevent bounce backs
+ Mail domains can be blocked from being used for new user accounts.
- These are stored in the config table.
+ Strings can be blocked from being used in new user account usernames.
- These are stored in the config table.
+ Account Activation time can be set from No Limit to 30 days.
+ Email must be entered twice to help prevent typos in email addresses.
+ Username min and max length are settable.
+ Password min and max length are settable.
+ New user account must fill out the profile form before being activated.
+ More minor updates.
- Addition of ChatServ's Avatar Control Panel.
- Improved scripting.
- Enhanced Admin panels.
- Greater control of users.
- Admin can turn the security image on or off.
- Forced login to use username in database. i.e. Test not test
- Admins can allow user self deletion.
- Admins can block user email changes.
- Admins can block user theme changes.
- Admins can choose to bypass email activation.
- Admins can now modify pending user details.
- Admins can now view pending user details.
- Admins can resend Activation Email.
- Admins can suspend users.
- Allows for Required User approval by Admin.
- Blocks usernames with preset strings in them.
- Cookie killer routine for suspended and deactivated accounts.
- Improved NavBar scripting.
- Optionally send the admin an email when someone registers.
- Optionally send the admin an email when someone unregisters.
- Provides for servers without mail support.
- Users can be promoted to Admin by SuperUser ONLY.
- Also sets the user account as forum admin!
(Deutschsprachige NSN-Scripte finden Sie bei!)
Version: 320_A3 Dateigröße: 80.78 Kb
Eingetragen am: 07. 03. 2004 Wartende Downloads: 1036
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Kategorie: Nuke-Module/NSN

  NSN Your_Account-Modul 700 Alpha 4  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: Features in this version (+ denotes new features in this version):
+ Bug Fix Release
- sendmail repair to help prevent bounce backs
- Mail domains can be blocked from being used for new user accounts.
- These are stored in the config table.
- Strings can be blocked from being used in new user account usernames.
- These are stored in the config table.
- Account Activation time can be set from No Limit to 30 days.
+ Email must be entered twice to help prevent typos in email addresses.
- Username min and max length are settable.
+ Password min and max length are settable.
+ New user account must fill out the profile form before being activated.
+ More minor updates.
- Addition of ChatServ's Avatar Control Panel.
- Improved scripting.
- Enhanced Admin panels.
- Greater control of users.
- Admin can turn the security image on or off.
- Forced login to use username in database. i.e. Test not test
- Admins can allow user self deletion.
- Admins can block user email changes.
- Admins can block user theme changes.
- Admins can choose to bypass email activation.
- Admins can now modify pending user details.
- Admins can now view pending user details.
- Admins can resend Activation Email.
- Admins can suspend users.
- Allows for Required User approval by Admin.
- Blocks usernames with preset strings in them.
- Cookie killer routine for suspended and deactivated accounts.
- Improved NavBar scripting.
- Optionally send the admin an email when someone registers.
- Optionally send the admin an email when someone unregisters.
- Provides for servers without mail support.
- Users can be promoted to Admin by SuperUser ONLY.
- Also sets the user account as forum admin!
Version: 3.2.0 A 4 Dateigröße: 81.78 Kb
Eingetragen am: 10. 04. 2004 Wartende Downloads: 1035
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Kategorie: Nuke-Module/NSN

  siBlock vs. 1.0  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: With this addon/block for phpNUKE Version 6.0 you are offered a comfortable way to control a drop down menu block for use on your site without having to hard code the block!
Version: 1.0 Dateigröße: 18.36 Kb
Eingetragen am: 25. 02. 2003 Wartende Downloads: 1034
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Kategorie: ! PHPNuke-Admin-Tools

  New Year block vs. 1.5  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: New Year block, suitable for any phpNuke version.
Version: 1.5 Dateigröße: 9.88 Kb
Eingetragen am: 10. 01. 2004 Wartende Downloads: 1032
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Kategorie: Nuke-Blöcke/Zusätzliche

  Nuke Find Search Block vs. 1.1  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: Search NukeFind, or select 'What's New, Cool, or What's Popular." Text for the block is included in the readme file. Can be used with NSN-Nuke, myPHPNuke, or Php-Nuke. Can be customized to suit your needs. Tested with phpnuke 6.8, and 7.0, plus NSN-Nuke and myPHPNuke latest releases as of 1 February 2004!
Version: 1.1 Dateigröße: 2.03 Kb
Eingetragen am: 21. 02. 2004 Wartende Downloads: 1025
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Kategorie: Nuke-Blöcke/Zusätzliche

  NSN Contents vs. 2.5.0 700  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: Features:
- Compatible with PHP-Nuke 6.7.0.
- You decide how many items per page to display thru the admin script.
- You decide which of 7 date display formats to use.
- You decide how many characters to display in titles thru the admin script.
- Displays the "NEW" and "POP" icons for each item that meets the requirements.
- Is language file compatible (currently in 1 language).
- Checks for Admin status and displays "EDIT" function if authorized.
- Comes with it's own graphics so it doesn't depend on PHP-Nuke graphics.
- Has a readme file to SHOW where to place the different files.
- No config files needed. Admin script stores config DATA in a db table.
- Admin file installs/updates the database.
- Comes with:
- A module which lists all of your items across multiple pages.
- 2 blocks, the first block lists the Top items, and the second lists the Newest items.
- Auto senses if it "Is In The Home" and uses the correct linking.
- Corrected a rare "new" icon problem in the dating.
- Admin can select to hide item date.
- Admin can select to hide item hits.
(Deutschsprachige NSN-Scripte finden Sie bei!)
Version: 2.5.0 Dateigröße: 17.86 Kb
Eingetragen am: 09. 11. 2003 Wartende Downloads: 1010
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Kategorie: Nuke-Module/NSN

  StrongBad E-Mail Block vs. 1.0  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: Small block (for the module) with info on StrongBad the Cartoon character and picture link to his flash comedy!
Version: 1.0 Dateigröße: 2.93 Kb
Eingetragen am: 02. 12. 2003 Wartende Downloads: 1009
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Kategorie: Nuke-Blöcke/Zusätzliche

  NukeTreasury PayPal vs. 1.0  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: NukeTreasury mod for PHP-Nuke - this mod integrates your Nuke site with your PayPal donations. Includes the Donatometer block showing live PayPal stats, the Donations module, an admin panel to manage the PayPal components and a simple financial register. This mod uses PayPal's Instant Payment Notification ( IPN ), service to integrate your user's donations into your site. Users get instant feedback when they donate by seeing their username and donation amount listed in your site!
Version: 1.0 Dateigröße: 24.08 Kb
Eingetragen am: 04. 02. 2004 Wartende Downloads: 1009
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Kategorie: Nuke-Module/Zusätzliche

  PayPalDonate Block  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: PayPalDonate Block (mit EURO als Währung)
Version: 1.0 Dateigröße: 1.07 Kb
Eingetragen am: 05. 03. 2003 Wartende Downloads: 1008
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Kategorie: Nuke-Blöcke/Zusätzliche

  Visual-Block-Admin  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: This script add the possibility to decide which blocks see and if see them for every module ... directly from the administration panel!
Version: 1.0 Dateigröße: 12.96 Kb
Eingetragen am: 15. 01. 2003 Wartende Downloads: 1006
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Kategorie: ! PHPNuke-Admin-Tools

  NewsLinks vs. 0.9  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: Addon/Module that allows a quick list of links with titles and brief descriptions to be added to your phpNuke site. The 10 most recent links can be listed. This is great for linking news headlines to articles located outside of your site. For phpNUKE Version 6.0 - 7.0!
Version: 0.9 Dateigröße: 2.28 Kb
Eingetragen am: 27. 12. 2003 Wartende Downloads: 1005
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Kategorie: Nuke-Module/Zusätzliche

  Review Block  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: This is a modified version of a Top Ten Reviews Block. I changed it to show the latest 10 listed by the date. Nuke 5.2 only!
Version: 1.1 Dateigröße: 736 bytes
Eingetragen am: 11. 12. 2002 Wartende Downloads: 1003
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Kategorie: Nuke-Blöcke/Zusätzliche

  Nuke Phone - Free Phone vs. 1.02  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: NukePhone displays your phone number. Your free phone number, free phone, and free account can be used for anything. Show your number to registered visitors, all visitors, admin only. Whatever suits you.
Nuke Phone also adds quality to your site, gives visitors a free SIP phone, and the ability to call anywhere using voice over IP.
NukeFind delivers this project as part of NukeTalk. Get the block and it will tell you how to get started!
Version: 1.02 Dateigröße: 1.97 Kb
Eingetragen am: 22. 02. 2004 Wartende Downloads: 1002
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Kategorie: Nuke-Module/Zusätzliche

  SI News vs. 1.0.1  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: This block and module for phpNUKE Version 6.0 you can connect to three RSS feeds / phpNUKE backends at a time, display your latest news headlines and display an image/webcam picture of your choice if you want, all at the same time in a compact manner!
Version: 1.0 Dateigröße: 44.42 Kb
Eingetragen am: 05. 03. 2003 Wartende Downloads: 999
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Kategorie: Nuke-Module/Zusätzliche

  Statistics BabStats Block vs. 1.1  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: Want to see if a TFD server is being hosted? Add this block and you will never have to scroll through the many lobby pages to find your server... For module BabsStats 1.1!
Version: 1.1 Dateigröße: 1020 bytes
Eingetragen am: 02. 02. 2003 Wartende Downloads: 995
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Kategorie: ! PHPNuke-Admin-Tools

  Pocket Navigator vs. 1.0  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: No more scrolling to get into your blocks portal links. This fantastic menu navigator that I have nicknamed " THE POCKET MENU NAVIGATOR " it will popup on demand by just pressing your mouse right button. On my site I have included very few links, but in the pocket navigator you can insert (or remove) portal links as many you may require!
Version: 1.0 Dateigröße: 4.99 Kb
Eingetragen am: 12. 02. 2003 Wartende Downloads: 987
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Kategorie: ! PHPNuke-Admin-Tools

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