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· Zubehör: Grafik-Tools (15)
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  DvD-Datenbank (DvD-Database) 4n  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: DvD-Datenbank inkl. 2 Blöcke (deutsch & englisch) für phpNUKE Version 6.x & 4nNukeWare ( Es können folgende Angaben gemacht werden: - DvD-Titel - DvD-Beschreibung - Soundsystem - Erscheinungsjahr - Bewertung - Kommentare zu den DvDs sind möglich - Einfügen von Bildern (für Administrator). Weitere Features: - Austauschbare(s) Logo & Icons - Eigener Administrationsbereich - Volle Mutlilanguage Unterstützung - Freischalten der DvDs durch den Administrator!
(DvD-Database incl. 2 blocks (german & english) for phpNUKE Version 6.x & 4nNukeWare ( This declarations can be made: - DvD-Title - DvD-Description - Soundsystem - Releaseyear - Rating - Comments to DvDs are possible - Adding of image (for Administrator). More Features: - Changeable logo & icons - Own Administrationsarea - Full mutlilanguage Support - Validation of new DvDs by the administrator.)
Version: 0.9 Dateigröße: 66.43 Kb
Eingetragen am: 11. 12. 2002 Wartende Downloads: 1684
Homepage | Bewerten | Details
Kategorie: Nuke-Module/Movies&Music

  Kalender-Modul vs. 2.2  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: This is an enhanced version of Rob Suttons Event Calendar with support for printer friendly details in all views (Year, Month and Daily). Includes Event Calendar block and admin section. For phpNUKE Version 5.5 - 6.0!
Version: 2.2 Dateigröße: 54.97 Kb
Eingetragen am: 11. 12. 2002 Wartende Downloads: 1912
Homepage | Bewerten | Details
Kategorie: Nuke-Module/Kalender

  Kalender-Modul vs. 2.2 (deutsch)  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: Deutsche Sprachdatei für Rob Suttons Calendar Addon Version 2.2 für PHP-Nuke.
(German language file for Rob Suttons Calendar Addon Version 2.2 for PHP-Nuke.)
Version: 2.2 Dateigröße: 2.58 Kb
Eingetragen am: 11. 12. 2002 Wartende Downloads: 2073
Homepage | Bewerten | Details
Kategorie: Nuke-Module/Kalender

Beschreibung: Sange Theme is a modified NukeNews Theme for phpNUKE Version 6.0!
Version: 1.0 Dateigröße: 174.71 Kb
Eingetragen am: 11. 12. 2002 Wartende Downloads: 981
Homepage | Bewerten | Details
Kategorie: Nuke-Themes/Einzelne

  NukeChat vs. 1.0.4  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: NukeChat is a Java Applet (that seems to be compliant with a large amount of browsers) that allow users registered or not (customizable as you wish) to chat each other. For phpNUKE Version 5.5 - 6.0!
Version: 1.0.4 Dateigröße: 205.55 Kb
Eingetragen am: 11. 12. 2002 Wartende Downloads: 1201
Homepage | Bewerten | Details
Kategorie: Nuke-Module/Chats

  Daily Snow Dumps Block  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: If you are into winter sports, you might like this. This little Block let you show the daily snow dumps around the globe on your web site... The up-to-date info is take from!
Version: 1.0 Dateigröße: 1.48 Kb
Eingetragen am: 11. 12. 2002 Wartende Downloads: 1379
Homepage | Bewerten | Details
Kategorie: Nuke-Blöcke/Zusätzliche

  NaviNuke  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: Ein Menü, das Java Script benutzt mit für PHP-Nuke angepassten Klappmenüs. Man kann Dinge einfügen, editieren, verschieben, löschen... Menüs, Untermenüs, Links usw. mit oder ohne Icons und im klassischen Nukeformat, also vom Browser aus. Es installiert sich beinahe von alleine und verfügt außerdem über eine Sitemap der Links, die dem Modul zugefügt wurden!
Version: 1.0 Dateigröße: 71.31 Kb
Eingetragen am: 13. 12. 2002 Wartende Downloads: 1964
Homepage | Bewerten | Details
Kategorie: - Nuke Menüs

  Top 10 Blocks  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: Die original Top 10 Blocks aus PHP-Nuke 5.6 - 6.0, die in der Ausgabe der Daten besser formatiert wurden. Ausserdem wird anstatt der Position eine Graphik angezeigt!
Version: 1.0 Dateigröße: 3.20 Kb
Eingetragen am: 14. 12. 2002 Wartende Downloads: 1037
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Kategorie: Nuke-Blöcke/Zusätzliche

  Holiday10 theme  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: A Christmas theme, adapted from a couple of themes already out there but corrected errors and coded the JavaScript for the falling snow, so that all the code is in the theme folder. And finally, the falling snow JavaScript works with Netscape Navigator and Microsoft Internet. For phpNUKE Version 5.5 - 6.0!
Version: 1.0 Dateigröße: 54.56 Kb
Eingetragen am: 14. 12. 2002 Wartende Downloads: 1103
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Kategorie: Nuke-Themes/Einzelne

  Kalender-Modul vs. 2.2.1  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: An enhanced version of Rob Suttons Event Calendar with support for printer friendly details in all views (Year, Month and Daily). Includes Event Calendar block and admin section. Updated from 2.2.0 to remove hard coded bug! For phpNUKE Version 5.5 - 6.0!
Version: 2.2.1 Dateigröße: 54.94 Kb
Eingetragen am: 14. 12. 2002 Wartende Downloads: 2052
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Kategorie: Nuke-Module/Kalender

  mySQL vs. 3.23.54 win  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: MySQL is a database management system. A database is a structured collection of data. It may be anything from a simple shopping list to a picture gallery or the vast amounts of information in a corporate network. To add, access, and process data stored in a computer database, you need a database management system such as MySQL. Since computers are very good at handling large amounts of data, database management plays a central role in computing, as stand-alone utilities, or as parts of other applications!
(Windows Version)
Version: 3.23.54 Dateigröße: 13.16 MB
Eingetragen am: 18. 12. 2002 Wartende Downloads: 1247
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Kategorie: Zubehör: LAMP/WAMP

  mySQL vs. 3.23.54a linux-gnu  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: MySQL is a database management system. A database is a structured collection of data. It may be anything from a simple shopping list to a picture gallery or the vast amounts of information in a corporate network. To add, access, and process data stored in a computer database, you need a database management system such as MySQL. Since computers are very good at handling large amounts of data, database management plays a central role in computing, as stand-alone utilities, or as parts of other applications!
Version: 3.23.54 Dateigröße: 9.38 MB
Eingetragen am: 18. 12. 2002 Wartende Downloads: 1234
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Kategorie: Zubehör: LAMP/WAMP

  Top Site Modul xTop vs. 1.0 Pro  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: This is a TOP SITE script made for phpNUKE Version 5.5 - 6.0, the layout is totally configurable and eazy. It features an administration panel from which you can modify your topsite and other addons such as.. lost password, etc... This script comes as a "module" for phpNUKE Version 5.5 - 6.0!
Version: 1.0 Pro Dateigröße: 40.84 Kb
Eingetragen am: 18. 12. 2002 Wartende Downloads: 1540
Homepage | Bewerten | Details
Kategorie: Nuke-Module/TopSites

  Flash-Banners vs. 2.0  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: Second Version of FlashBanners Addonfor phpNUKE Version 6.0. There are new features:
1) Block banners - supported!
2) Ability to put to banners there own width and height.
3) Some fixies in code.
Will be included in next version:
1) Counting of hits on flash banners,
2) Support for PHPNuke 5.6,
3) Adding of "Alt Field" and "Src Field"!
Version: 2.0 Dateigröße: 9.92 Kb
Eingetragen am: 18. 12. 2002 Wartende Downloads: 1530
Homepage | Bewerten | Details
Kategorie: ! PHPNuke-Admin-Tools

  Search BB  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: Requires Toms phpBB port and PHP-Nuke 6.0. This hack will allow you to search in your Content modules pages and will also return matches found in the Forums, to install just replace your modules/Search/index.php file with the one included!
Version: 6.0 BB Dateigröße: 5.21 Kb
Eingetragen am: 18. 12. 2002 Wartende Downloads: 1145
Homepage | Bewerten | Details
Kategorie: - phpBB 2 Nuke

  WebMin vs. 1.0.40  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: Webmin is a web-based interface for system administration for Unix. Using any browser that supports tables and forms, you can setup user accounts, Apache, internet services, DNS, file sharing and so on. Webmin consists of a simple web server, and a number of CGI programs which directly update system files like /etc/inetd.conf and /etc/passwd. The web server and all CGI programs are written in Perl version 5, and use only the standard perl modules!
Version: 1.0.40 Dateigröße: 5.43 MB
Eingetragen am: 18. 12. 2002 Wartende Downloads: 1144
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Kategorie: Zubehör: Weiteres

  Score Stars vs. 1.0  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: Score Stars is graphical images replacing your old numerical scoring on your main news page. The tweak becomes very useful for the following reasons:
-when user browses your news articles the graphical stars help quickly realize which article is rated best, user will participate in ratings more often, unlike with the numerical score that is not that noticable.
- immideatelly attracts attention of the reader when he/she sees article rated with 5 graphical stars, unlike unnoticable numbers that blend in with all the other text information.
- makes rating an article eventually useful in helping visitors quickly choose what he/she wants to read first and what he/she does not want to read!
Version: 1.0 Dateigröße: 11.80 Kb
Eingetragen am: 18. 12. 2002 Wartende Downloads: 1074
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Kategorie: ! PHPNuke-Admin-Tools

  NSN Attendance vs. 1.0  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: Module for phpNUKE Version 6.0 (not tested with other versions of phpNUKE) for tracking member attendance for training sessions. YOU MUST HAVE NSN YOUR ACCOUNT TWEAK INSTALLED!
(Deutschsprachige NSN-Scripte finden Sie bei!)
Version: 1.0 Dateigröße: 23.41 Kb
Eingetragen am: 18. 12. 2002 Wartende Downloads: 1148
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Kategorie: Nuke-Module/NSN

  Banners.php 6.0.0 Fix  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: Yet another tweak from NSN. Have you noticed that expired banners and wrong type banners show up in PHP-Nuke standard banners.php calls? Well, I did and got tired of it and fixed it :) This is the PHP-Nuke 6.0 version of that fix!
(Deutschsprachige NSN-Scripte finden Sie bei!)
Version: 6.0.0 Dateigröße: 3.97 Kb
Eingetragen am: 18. 12. 2002 Wartende Downloads: 1379
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Kategorie: - Nuke Fixes-Bugs

  NSN Archives vs. 1.0.1  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: A simple download manager that is designed to work with NSN Groups!
(Deutschsprachige NSN-Scripte finden Sie bei!)
Version: 1.0.1 Dateigröße: 16.84 Kb
Eingetragen am: 18. 12. 2002 Wartende Downloads: 941
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Kategorie: Nuke-Module/NSN

  Admin Users vs. 1.0.1  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: This MOD instroduces a new way to administer your users. Very powerful and very convenient. You do not need to look up anyone!
Version: 1.0.1 Dateigröße: 3.70 Kb
Eingetragen am: 18. 12. 2002 Wartende Downloads: 1350
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Kategorie: - phpBB 2 Nuke

  Default Avatar vs. 1.1.0  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: This will give a default avatar for those members that have not choose a avatar. Also Guest have a avatar now!
Version: 1.1.0 Dateigröße: 6.36 Kb
Eingetragen am: 18. 12. 2002 Wartende Downloads: 1271
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Kategorie: - phpBB 2 Nuke

  Glance vs. 2.0  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: Show latest news and recent topics on any page. Customizable to show only news, only recent topics, or both. Will check the authorization of users and only show allowed topics.
- You can also customize the bullet for each topic.
- Supports authorization and message tracking.
- Uses templates!
Version: 2.0 Dateigröße: 7.43 Kb
Eingetragen am: 18. 12. 2002 Wartende Downloads: 1179
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Kategorie: - phpBB 2 Nuke

  MyCalendar vs. 2.2.7  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: This is a calendar mod for the ported version of phpbb for phpnuke 6.0. I tried to make it as simple as possible so i editited the files that are needed to edit and put them in the file (subSilver template ONLY). IF you use a other template then subSilver you gotta edit the files manually and i do NOT advice this if you do not know anything about php. Read the .txt files first before do anything and BACKUP everything first before installing!
Version: 2.2.7 Dateigröße: 240.31 Kb
Eingetragen am: 18. 12. 2002 Wartende Downloads: 1234
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Kategorie: - phpBB 2 Nuke

  Poster Level Mod vs. 1.0  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: This mod adds an rpg-like level, hp, mp, and exp rating to a user's profile, and under their name in their posts. Level: a user's level is based on how many posts the user has made. This should be able to scale up indefinitly. HP: represents how active the user is. max hp is based off level, current hp is based on how often the user posts. MP: represnts how quickly the user posts. Max mp is based on level, and mp regenerates over time Exp: a percentage showing how many more posts the user has to make to get to the next level!
Version: 1.0 Dateigröße: 7.40 Kb
Eingetragen am: 18. 12. 2002 Wartende Downloads: 1268
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Kategorie: - phpBB 2 Nuke

  ScreenShot Wizard vs.  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: Das Freeware Programm ScreenShot Wizard ist in der Handhabung einfach und ermöglicht, mit dem Cursor den gewünschten Bildbereich auszuwählen und diesen mit einem Klick zu speichern oder auch in die Zwischenablage zu kopieren!
(General purpose of the ScreenShot Wizard is image capturing with advanced post-processing. ScreenShot Wizard have a simple and handy user interface. All features are designed for quick and convenient work with screen-shots. In addition to simple image capturing, ScreenShot Wizard use plugins, which allow to send your screenshots by e-mail or save them to file!)
Version: Dateigröße: 903.21 Kb
Eingetragen am: 21. 12. 2002 Wartende Downloads: 1307
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Kategorie: Zubehör: Weiteres

  PHPNuke Tips & Erweiterungen vs. 0.2 bei  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: S.Soltmann & Z.Ljepojevic, beide Webmaster mit umfangreichen Erfahrungen mit PHPNuke, schreiben eigene Erweiterungen für PHPNuke und geben wertvolle Hinweise und Tips!
Version: 0.2 Dateigröße: 117.38 Kb
Eingetragen am: 21. 12. 2002 Wartende Downloads: 2334
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Kategorie: - Nuke Handbücher

  Topic Icons  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: PHP-Nuke Topic Icons for all PHP Sites. Icons are in two languages, Turkish and English, and they cover topics such as Sport (F1), Shopping, Telephones etc - on my site they are used for different affiliate categories!
Version: 1.0 Dateigröße: 78.72 Kb
Eingetragen am: 21. 12. 2002 Wartende Downloads: 1693
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Kategorie: - Nuke Graphics

  Magic Addon  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: Cool little Module addon that uses the html code iframe to make some magic and put almost any page (URL) inside the module you name. For phpNUKE Version 5.5 - 6.0!
Version: 1.0 Dateigröße: 1.63 Kb
Eingetragen am: 22. 12. 2002 Wartende Downloads: 1297
Homepage | Bewerten | Details
Kategorie: ! PHPNuke-Admin-Tools

  WebMin vs. 1.0.50  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: Webmin is a web-based interface for system administration for Unix. Using any browser that supports tables and forms, you can setup user accounts, Apache, internet services, DNS, file sharing and so on. Webmin consists of a simple web server, and a number of CGI programs which directly update system files like /etc/inetd.conf and /etc/passwd. The web server and all CGI programs are written in Perl version 5, and use only the standard perl modules!
Version: 1.0.50 Dateigröße: 5.44 MB
Eingetragen am: 22. 12. 2002 Wartende Downloads: 1290
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Kategorie: Zubehör: Weiteres

  Zufallsbilder-Block / Block-RandomPic  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: This block grabs a random image from a specific folder on your PHP Nuke website, you place the thumbs in a folder, and it randomly selects an image to display!
Version: 1.0 Dateigröße: 1.39 Kb
Eingetragen am: 22. 12. 2002 Wartende Downloads: 1517
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Kategorie: Nuke-Blöcke/Zufall

  Sonnen-/ Sun-Block  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: This block grabs a UV image of the SUN that is taken daily, and places it on your web page. Why, because it can. Nice orange colored Solar Image. For phpNUKE Version 5.5 - 6.0!
Version: 1.0 Dateigröße: 1.26 Kb
Eingetragen am: 22. 12. 2002 Wartende Downloads: 1275
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Kategorie: Nuke-Blöcke/Astro

  WeatherSat Satellite-Block  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: Setup as West Coast of USA, Satellite Image updates regularly. Put a nice small Satellite block on your PHP nuke page, can be easily changed to give east coast or any other available image that can be downloaded. For phpNUKE Version 5.5 - 6.0!
Version: 1.0 Dateigröße: 1.32 Kb
Eingetragen am: 22. 12. 2002 Wartende Downloads: 1252
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Kategorie: Nuke-Blöcke/Astro

  NukeChat vs. 1.1.1  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: NukeChat is a Java Applet (compliant with a large amount of browsers: at least from JVM 1.1 up to 1.4) that allow users registered or not (customizable as you wish) to chat each other. Very easy to setup and use. Change log : ScrollBar on messages, major optimization on display, two new variables on onfig.php file to easily customize the time latency for messages and logins/logoff refresh. For phpNUKE Version 5.5 - 6.0!
Version: 1.1.1 Dateigröße: 212.17 Kb
Eingetragen am: 22. 12. 2002 Wartende Downloads: 1241
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Kategorie: Nuke-Module/Chats

  ISS-Block (International Space Station)  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: Simple Block can You view the current realtime position of the ISS (International Space Station). For phpNUKE Version 5.5 - 6.0!
Version: 1.0 Dateigröße: 1.37 Kb
Eingetragen am: 22. 12. 2002 Wartende Downloads: 1307
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Kategorie: Nuke-Blöcke/Astro

  Dezina Dove Theme  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: Dezina Dove Theme for phpNUKE Version 6.0!
Version: 1.0 Dateigröße: 39.62 Kb
Eingetragen am: 22. 12. 2002 Wartende Downloads: 1091
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Kategorie: Nuke-Themes/Einzelne

  Downloads-/ WebLinks-Fix  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: This fix for PHP-Nuke 6.0 will solve a display error in both the Downloads and the Web Links modules, this bug caused that when you selected new, popular, etc.. your files/links would be listed with double sub-categories like: PHP-Nuke/fixes/fixes when it should be: PHP-Nuke/fixes!
Version: 6.0 Dateigröße: 32.47 Kb
Eingetragen am: 22. 12. 2002 Wartende Downloads: 1526
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Kategorie: - Nuke Fixes-Bugs

  PHPNuke 6.0 Sec-Fixes vs. 2  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: Wichtige Fixe für phpNUKE Version 6.0 (wenn diese nicht installiert sind, ist das phpNUKE System unsicher)!
(Important fixes for phpNUKE Version 6.0 (if this ones are not installed, the phpNUKE system is unsecure)!)
Version: 6.0 Dateigröße: 75.77 Kb
Eingetragen am: 22. 12. 2002 Wartende Downloads: 2140
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Kategorie: - Nuke Fixes-Security

  Theme editor PHPNuke 6.0  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: Theme editor functions list:
- 5 horizontal areas which may be changed easily by using templates,
- according to position blocks may be graphically customized,
- css sheets may be linked to each block,
- every vertical area (column) and every zone may be customized with colors, images or css sheets,
- central blocks may be displaid on one or two columns (this choice is indipendent for each module),
- every block header may be customized with images, colors and text,
- individual icons may be positioned at the left of titles for each block,
- customizable menu list (page index block) with different icons for each item,
- space (made also with an image) may be inserted between blocks,
- automatic navigation bar builder with color setting - direct editing within the theme editor of the css sheets of the theme,
- automatic generation of main items of the theme editor (colors, styles, etc),
- complete editing of the menu items with the menu buildedr; 3 different drop down menu bars can be memorized for each theme, easily inter-changeable; the menu structure may be stored for further usage on other themes,
- drop down menu in text format, with fixed images (different for each menu level) or rollover (again, different for each menu level)!
Version: 6.0 Dateigröße: 1.79 MB
Eingetragen am: 22. 12. 2002 Wartende Downloads: 2292
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Kategorie: - Nuke Theme-Edit

  Theme editor PHPNuke 6.0 Patch  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: Patch für den Theme editor für PHPNuke 6.0
Version: 6.0 b Dateigröße: 36.29 Kb
Eingetragen am: 22. 12. 2002 Wartende Downloads: 1625
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Kategorie: - Nuke Theme-Edit

  CWC CoverPage vs. 1.0  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: The Cover Page System allows you to easily create home pages that you can activate or deactivate. Just copy and past your HTML into the admin section and that is it. You can create as many pages as you want activating and deactivating only the page you wish to have as you home page. This allows for you to create and preview your promotional pages in advanced to positing them on the web and when you are ready just activate your new cover page. For phpNUKE Version 5.5 - 6.0!
Version: 1.0 Dateigröße: 11.30 Kb
Eingetragen am: 23. 12. 2002 Wartende Downloads: 1460
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Kategorie: ! PHPNuke-Admin-Tools

  WapNuke vs. 05rev01  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: WAP Addon/Module for phpNUKE Version 5.5 - 6.0 to see the newsstories of your site in wap devices!
Version: 0.5rev1 Dateigröße: 27.26 Kb
Eingetragen am: 23. 12. 2002 Wartende Downloads: 1306
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Kategorie: Nuke-Module/WapAddons

  WAP Browser vs. 1.0  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: Very simple block to add WAP Browser to your nuke site. Uses java to resize window (sorry!), but otherwise the full sized window was over kill...!
Version: 1.0 Dateigröße: 2.47 Kb
Eingetragen am: 23. 12. 2002 Wartende Downloads: 1155
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Kategorie: Nuke-Module/WapAddons

  Center Block vs. 2.0  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: A center block for PHPNuke systems. Used to display the last five of the Forums, Classifieds, Pictures, Web Links, Downloads and Articles!
Version: 2.0 Dateigröße: 3.51 Kb
Eingetragen am: 24. 12. 2002 Wartende Downloads: 1507
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Kategorie: Nuke-Blöcke/Center

  Passwort Hack für PHPNuke 6.0  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: Ein PW Hack für PHPNuke 6.0, so daß der User bei der Registrierung sein eigenes PW angeben kann (mit 2 unterschiedlichen Versionen)!
Version: 1.0 Dateigröße: 22.90 Kb
Eingetragen am: 24. 12. 2002 Wartende Downloads: 1474
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Kategorie: - Nuke Mods & Hacks

  Linux Server Antivir vs. 2.0.3  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: Ein Virenscanner für Linux (Desktop und Server)!
Version: 2.0.3 Dateigröße: 1.86 MB
Eingetragen am: 24. 12. 2002 Wartende Downloads: 995
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Kategorie: Zubehör: LAMP/WAMP

  Center-Block Web Links  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: Web Links Center Block für PHP-Nuke 6.x
(Web Links center block for PHP-Nuke 6.x)
Version: 1.0 Dateigröße: 1.65 Kb
Eingetragen am: 26. 12. 2002 Wartende Downloads: 1374
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Kategorie: Nuke-Blöcke/Center

  Center-Block Downloads  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: Downloads Center Block für PHP-Nuke 6.x
(Downloads center block for PHP-Nuke 6.x)
Version: 1.0 Dateigröße: 1.66 Kb
Eingetragen am: 26. 12. 2002 Wartende Downloads: 1298
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Kategorie: Nuke-Blöcke/Center

  Theme System AutoTheme  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: AutoTheme is a HTML Theme System for the PHP-Nuke CMS. The current theme system usually requires you to be somewhat familiar with PHP and the PHP-Nuke architecture. AutoTheme attempts to remove most of this complexity. AutoTheme primary benefit is providing users the ability to create PHP-Nuke themes in HTML using their favorite editor, with little or no use of PHP. In addition, AutoTheme provides easy customization of block display and custom themes for different modules!
Version: beta4 Dateigröße: 37.41 Kb
Eingetragen am: 26. 12. 2002 Wartende Downloads: 1572
Homepage | Bewerten | Details
Kategorie: - Nuke Theme-Edit

  580 Avatars  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: 580 Avatars (Manga-Style) für phpNUKE
Version: 1.0 Dateigröße: 2.28 MB
Eingetragen am: 26. 12. 2002 Wartende Downloads: 1484
Homepage | Bewerten | Details
Kategorie: - Nuke Graphics

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