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· Nuke-Module/Kalender (21)
· - Nuke Handbücher (16)
· - Nuke Error-Handling (5)

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  PHPNuke 6.0 Security-Patch vs. 2.8  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: The latest patch for PHP-Nuke 6.0. Just about all variables have been secured against sql injection by running a check on their content before inserting anything into the database tables and after having extracted anything from them as well, any module that had not been secured before has been included as well as all admin files!
Version: 6.0 2.8 Dateigröße: 262.01 Kb
Eingetragen am: 17. 08. 2006 Wartende Downloads: 1102
Homepage | Bewerten | Details
Kategorie: - Nuke Fixes-Security

  Aquation  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: A simple, clean blue and white theme for Php-Nuke 6.x!
Version: 6.8 Dateigröße: 52.09 Kb
Eingetragen am: 06. 03. 2004 Wartende Downloads: 1101
Homepage | Bewerten | Details
Kategorie: Nuke-Themes/Einzelne

  NSN Your_Account-Modul 650 Alpha 3  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: Features in this version (+ denotes new features in this version):
+ sendmail repair to help prevent bounce backs
+ Mail domains can be blocked from being used for new user accounts.
- These are stored in the config table.
+ Strings can be blocked from being used in new user account usernames.
- These are stored in the config table.
+ Account Activation time can be set from No Limit to 30 days.
+ Email must be entered twice to help prevent typos in email addresses.
+ Username min and max length are settable.
+ Password min and max length are settable.
+ New user account must fill out the profile form before being activated.
+ More minor updates.
- Addition of ChatServ's Avatar Control Panel.
- Improved scripting.
- Enhanced Admin panels.
- Greater control of users.
- Admin can turn the security image on or off.
- Forced login to use username in database. i.e. Test not test
- Admins can allow user self deletion.
- Admins can block user email changes.
- Admins can block user theme changes.
- Admins can choose to bypass email activation.
- Admins can now modify pending user details.
- Admins can now view pending user details.
- Admins can resend Activation Email.
- Admins can suspend users.
- Allows for Required User approval by Admin.
- Blocks usernames with preset strings in them.
- Cookie killer routine for suspended and deactivated accounts.
- Improved NavBar scripting.
- Optionally send the admin an email when someone registers.
- Optionally send the admin an email when someone unregisters.
- Provides for servers without mail support.
- Users can be promoted to Admin by SuperUser ONLY.
- Also sets the user account as forum admin!
(Deutschsprachige NSN-Scripte finden Sie bei!)
Version: 320_A3 Dateigröße: 80.78 Kb
Eingetragen am: 07. 03. 2004 Wartende Downloads: 1101
Homepage | Bewerten | Details
Kategorie: Nuke-Module/NSN

  ! XAMPP Windows 1.4.05 installer.exe  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: Apache HTTPD 2.0.50, MySQL 4.0.20, PHP 5.0.0 + 4.3.8 + PEAR + Switch, MiniPerl 5.8.3, mod_php 4.3.7, mod_ssl 2.0.49, Openssl 0.9.7d, PHPMyAdmin 2.5.7 pl1, Webalizer 2.01-10, Mercury Mail Transport System für Win32 und NetWare Systems v4.01a, FileZilla FTP Server 0.9.1, SQLite 3.0.1, ADODB 4.04, Zend Optimizer 2.5.3. Für Windows 98, 2000, XP!
Version: 1.4.5 Dateigröße: 26.42 MB
Eingetragen am: 02. 08. 2004 Wartende Downloads: 1100
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Kategorie: Zubehör: LAMP/WAMP

  XOOPS vs. tar  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: XOOPS is a program that allows administrators to easily create dynamic websites with great content and many outstanding features. It is an ideal tool for developing small to large dynamic community websites, intra company portals, corporate portals, weblogs and much more. It can be installed on an Internet host with a PHP-capable web server (e.g., Apache) and a database (e.g., MySQL), Version from 28.10.05. This release fixes a number of security vulnerabilities!
Version: Dateigröße: 1.05 MB
Eingetragen am: 16. 11. 2005 Wartende Downloads: 1100
Homepage | Bewerten | Details
Kategorie: ! Nuke-SplitOffs

  PHPNuke 6.9 Security-Patch vs. 2.8  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: The latest patch for PHP-Nuke 6.9. Just about all variables have been secured against sql injection by running a check on their content before inserting anything into the database tables and after having extracted anything from them as well, any module that had not been secured before has been included as well as all admin files!
Version: 6.9 2.8 Dateigröße: 661.65 Kb
Eingetragen am: 17. 08. 2006 Wartende Downloads: 1100
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Kategorie: - Nuke Fixes-Security

  Advertising vs. 0.1  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: This zip contains a banners.php file for users of nuke 6.0. The file contained is banners-ad.php which needs to be renamed to banners.php and copied to the nuke root directory!
Version: 0.1 Dateigröße: 1.58 Kb
Eingetragen am: 09. 12. 2003 Wartende Downloads: 1099
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Kategorie: - Nuke Mods & Hacks

  SPChat vs.  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: SPChat is a PHP based realtime chat system for PHPNuke 5.6 and above. The PHPNuke packed archive contains the Adodb library which is needed on PHPNuke Systems!
Version: Dateigröße: 787.88 Kb
Eingetragen am: 19. 02. 2004 Wartende Downloads: 1099
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Kategorie: Nuke-Module/Chats

  FTP-Server glFTPd vs. 1.2.8  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: glFTPd is an ftp server (or demon, but not daemon, it does not run continuously in background). A new instance of glftpd is started by inetd (the inet daemon) each time a user connects. Inetd listens on a certain port, and when it establishes a connection, it starts tcpd, which in turn passes the connection on to glftpd (assuming the incoming IP passes the rules in /etc/hosts.allow and /etc/hosts.deny). You can take tcpd out and have inetd start glftpd directly, but you need to specify a dummy first parameter to glftpd in inetd.conf if you do that!
Version: 1.2.8 Dateigröße: 1.51 MB
Eingetragen am: 29. 12. 2002 Wartende Downloads: 1098
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Kategorie: Zubehör: FTP / ZIP

  Alloy themes: Yellow Alloy  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: Yellow version of Orange Alloy for phpnuke 6.0-6.5. (phpbb not included). Theme is fast-loading and free for use as long as the credit remains in the footer. As always if you want to remove the credit, all it takes is $5!
Version: 5.5-6.5 Dateigröße: 7.57 Kb
Eingetragen am: 27. 07. 2003 Wartende Downloads: 1098
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Kategorie: Nuke-Themes/Einzelne

  Country Module vs. 1.2  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: This PHP-Nuke module manages country and other domain informations. The user can select three different functions:
1) total select of informations (include/omit) with personalization of fields to view and graphic to display;
2) predefinited country lists (also rating lists in rating order!);
3) search in some important country fields.
In all lists you can view totals in friendly form and it's possible to personalize the output with your style sheets. Logged as admin, it's possible to update all the informations of each country.
The module is compliant with all versions of PHP-Nuke. The file nuke_countries is also compliant with some modules in PHP-Nuke that are using this file. This version includes language files in english and italian. In the zip file you can find also the sql file to create the enlarged country tabel!
Version: 1.2 Dateigröße: 19.23 Kb
Eingetragen am: 10. 01. 2004 Wartende Downloads: 1098
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Kategorie: Nuke-Module/Zusätzliche

  Embed L J  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: A nice little script to embed multiple Live Journals easily into your PHP-Nuke site. Uses MySQL to have a default journal and several others, also supports just adding &lju={LJ USERNAME} with the default style. Easily administrated from the administration menu!
Version: 0.2 Dateigröße: 7.65 Kb
Eingetragen am: 25. 01. 2004 Wartende Downloads: 1098
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Kategorie: - Nuke Mods & Hacks

Beschreibung: Green variant of the stock NSN-Nuke theme with a basic phpBB theme included. Includes topic images and admin images!
(Deutschsprachige NSN-Scripte finden Sie bei!)
Version: 1.0.0 Dateigröße: 314.67 Kb
Eingetragen am: 07. 02. 2004 Wartende Downloads: 1098
Homepage | Bewerten | Details
Kategorie: Nuke-Themes/NSN

  Higher Forces (HForces)  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: This theme includes a PSD file to make a logo just like mine with your own text in it. Also it has a extra image spot for things like a mascot. The banners are right next to the logo and to the left of the mascot area. The footer messages are not included in this theme nor public messages!
Version: 1.0 Dateigröße: 102.64 Kb
Eingetragen am: 24. 01. 2003 Wartende Downloads: 1095
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Kategorie: Nuke-Themes/Einzelne

  NSN Your_Account-Modul 680 Alpha  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: Features in this version (+ denotes new features in this version):
+ Mail domains can be blocked from being used for new user accounts.
- These are stored in the config table.
+ Strings can be blocked from being used in new user account usernames.
- These are stored in the config table.
+ Account Activation time can be set from No Limit to 30 days.
+ Email must be entered twice to help prevent typos in email addresses.
+ Username min and max length are settable.
+ Password min and max length are settable.
+ New user account must fill out the profile form before being activated.
+ More minor updates.
- Addition of ChatServ's Avatar Control Panel.
- Improved scripting.
- Enhanced Admin panels.
- Greater control of users.
- Admin can turn the security image on or off.
- Forced login to use username in database. i.e. Test not test
- Admins can allow user self deletion.
- Admins can block user email changes.
- Admins can block user theme changes.
- Admins can choose to bypass email activation.
- Admins can now modify pending user details.
- Admins can now view pending user details.
- Admins can resend Activation Email.
- Admins can suspend users.
- Allows for Required User approval by Admin.
- Blocks usernames with preset strings in them.
- Cookie killer routine for suspended and deactivated accounts.
- Improved NavBar scripting.
- Optionally send the admin an email when someone registers.
- Optionally send the admin an email when someone unregisters.
- Provides for servers without mail support.
- Users can be promoted to Admin by SuperUser ONLY.
- Also sets the user account as forum admin!
(Deutschsprachige NSN-Scripte finden Sie bei!)
Version: 320_A1 Dateigröße: 80.60 Kb
Eingetragen am: 08. 02. 2004 Wartende Downloads: 1095
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Kategorie: Nuke-Module/NSN

  Brasil 7.1  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: A fun theme with rich colours, different left and right blocks for more customisation!
Version: 0.1 Dateigröße: 47.86 Kb
Eingetragen am: 06. 03. 2004 Wartende Downloads: 1095
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Kategorie: Nuke-Themes/Einzelne

  NukeSuperMarket vs. 0.6  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: New version with fixes and enhancements!
Version: 0.6 Dateigröße: 49.73 Kb
Eingetragen am: 07. 03. 2004 Wartende Downloads: 1095
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Kategorie: Nuke-Module/Shopping

  osc2Nuke Your_Account vs. osc2nuke7X4 zip  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: This is the module Your_account version of osc2nuke7X ported for osc2nuke7X4 if u want that no addres info are asked on user registration. This version require of course email activation to be sended to validate user account. Level of installation : very easy, beginer!
Version: 7.4 Dateigröße: 280.36 Kb
Eingetragen am: 13. 03. 2005 Wartende Downloads: 1095
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Kategorie: ! osC & Nuke / osC 2 Nuke

  ! XAMPP Windows 1.4.14 Installer.exe  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: Apache HTTPD 2.0.54, MySQL 4.1.12, PHP 5.0.4 + 4.3.11 + PEAR + Switch, MiniPerl 5.8.6, mod_ssl 2.0.54, Openssl 0.9.7g, PHPMyAdmin 2.6.2 pl1, XAMPP Control Panel 1.0, eAccelerator 0.9.3, Webalizer 2.01-10, Mercury Mail Transport System für Win32 und NetWare Systems v4.01a, FileZilla FTP Server 0.9.8a, SQLite 2.8.15, ADODB 4.63, Zend Optimizer 2.5.7, XAMPP Security. Für Windows 98, 2000, XP!
Version: 1.4.14 Dateigröße: 22.81 MB
Eingetragen am: 24. 07. 2005 Wartende Downloads: 1093
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Kategorie: Zubehör: LAMP/WAMP

  Paladin's PHP-Nuke 6.5 Forum Annexe vs. 1.0  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: This fairly simple module works like a monster block-Forums. It will (currently at least) display an abstract of up to 255 chars for each of the 10 latest POSTS in your Forums. The output is intended to be similar in appearance to your News Articles - but since the output is 99% controlled by your PHP-Nuke Theme, it's very easy to make it look any way you like! Includes English Language File. Minor Theme Upgrade required before upload - code is included in README.txt. Released under the terms of the GNU-GPL. Requires PHP-Nuke 6.5+!
Version: 1.0 Dateigröße: 11.92 Kb
Eingetragen am: 30. 11. 2003 Wartende Downloads: 1092
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Kategorie: Nuke-Module/Zusätzliche

Beschreibung: Pack theme MOHAA in english version. This theme incl. phpbb forum templates/design, pack graphic and the block forum center!
(Deutschsprachige NSN-Scripte finden Sie bei!)
Version: 1.0 Dateigröße: 527.54 Kb
Eingetragen am: 06. 03. 2004 Wartende Downloads: 1092
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Kategorie: Nuke-Themes/NSN

  osc2Nuke Your_Account vs. osc2nuke7X4 tar.tar  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: This is the module Your_account version of osc2nuke7X ported for osc2nuke7X4 if u want that no addres info are asked on user registration. This version require of course email activation to be sended to validate user account. Level of installation : very easy, beginer!
Version: 7.4 Dateigröße: 184.28 Kb
Eingetragen am: 13. 03. 2005 Wartende Downloads: 1092
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Kategorie: ! osC & Nuke / osC 2 Nuke

  NukeJump vs. 1.0  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: Quick and dirty module to redirect to a URL. Why in the hell do you need to do this in PHP-Nuke? The only use that I have found is in setting a module as your Home Page and being able to pass it variables (example: NukeWrap). Under PHP-Nuke Administration, Modules, you can set your Home Page Module (Put in Home), but that does not allow variables to be passed to the module. NukeJump supports both PHP and JavaScript redirects. The default is PHP!
Version: 1.0 Dateigröße: 11.02 Kb
Eingetragen am: 29. 12. 2002 Wartende Downloads: 1091
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Kategorie: ! PHPNuke-Admin-Tools

  Ephemeriden Birthdates vs. 1  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: 3.879 Birthdates of famous and infamous people in a SQL formatted file for insertion directly to the 'nuke_ephem' table!
Version: 75776 Dateigröße: 1 bytes
Eingetragen am: 12. 02. 2004 Wartende Downloads: 1091
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Kategorie: Nuke-Module/Basic

  PHPNuke 6.9 Security-Patch vs. 2.5  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: The latest patch for PHP-Nuke 6.9 Just about all variables have been secured against sql injection by running a check on their content before inserting anything into the database tables and after having extracted anything from them as well, any module that had not been secured before has been included as well as all admin files!
Version: 2.5 Dateigröße: 600.16 Kb
Eingetragen am: 14. 07. 2004 Wartende Downloads: 1091
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Kategorie: - Nuke Fixes-Security

  NSN GR Downloads 650 1.0.0 Beta 6  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: Features:
- Each download now has it's own view setting:
- All Users
- Registered Users
- Administrators
- Any NSN Groups Group
- Stream lined coding.
- Corrected many problems from original.
- Enhanced Admin area.
- Stylish dual column display.
- Anti-Leach routine.
- Removed redundant routines.
- No longer supports voting.
- Updated graphics to png format.
- Added file uploading routines.
- Added basic file access tracker!
(Deutschsprachige NSN-Scripte finden Sie bei!)
Version: 6.5 1.0.0 Dateigröße: 60.98 Kb
Eingetragen am: 10. 01. 2004 Wartende Downloads: 1090
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Kategorie: Nuke-Module/NSN

  Chronicles Theme 6.5  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: Theme from, the theme-pack includes the forum and the center block forum!
Version: 1 Dateigröße: 559.90 Kb
Eingetragen am: 08. 02. 2004 Wartende Downloads: 1090
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Kategorie: Nuke-Themes/Einzelne

  NSN Banner Ads vs. 710 1.0.1  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: - Allows new clients to sign up.
- Adds Scripted and Flash banner types.
- Allows a webmaster to set the start date for banners.
- Allows webmaster to decide to use impressions or and ending date for banners.
- Provides webmaster the option of transfering all clients and banners to the new database tables!
(Deutschsprachige NSN-Scripte finden Sie bei!)
Version: 7.1 1.0.1 Dateigröße: 138.95 Kb
Eingetragen am: 21. 02. 2004 Wartende Downloads: 1090
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Kategorie: Nuke-Module/NSN

  PHPNuke tar.tar  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: Inlcudes BBtoNuke 2.0.21 and Patched 3.3!
Version: Dateigröße: 2.27 MB
Eingetragen am: 01. 11. 2007 Wartende Downloads: 1090
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Kategorie: ! Basic-Packs Nuke-NSN

  Web Links Admin  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: Features:
- Compatible with PHP-Nuke 5.5
- Generates a listing of all you currently active links.
- Has edit and delete links for each item.
Version: 1.1.4 Dateigröße: 9.12 Kb
Eingetragen am: 26. 05. 2002 Wartende Downloads: 1089 Bewertung: 9.00 (3 Stimmen)
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Kategorie: ! PHPNuke-Admin-Tools

  Random Index page maker  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: Random Index page maker version 2.0 for PHP Nuke 6 which displays random images, html and text, on your welcome / index page. This script will load before your index.php. It displays random images text, or html documents from your pre defined directories. Simple to install!
Version: 2.0 Dateigröße: 154.68 Kb
Eingetragen am: 10. 11. 2002 Wartende Downloads: 1089
Homepage | Bewerten | Details
Kategorie: ! PHPNuke-Admin-Tools

  Ripple JavaScript  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: Creates a continious water ripple under any size image, compatible with ie4+ mozilla!
Version: 1 Dateigröße: 704 bytes
Eingetragen am: 27. 12. 2003 Wartende Downloads: 1088
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Kategorie: Weitere Scripte

  Apache vs. 1.3.31 win32  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: This release fixes a number of bugs and addresses 4 security issues!
Version: 1.3.31 Dateigröße: 5.34 MB
Eingetragen am: 16. 06. 2004 Wartende Downloads: 1088
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Kategorie: Zubehör: LAMP/WAMP

  Jump To no frames vs. 1.0.0 rar  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: This script will let people jump places by inputting the jump id# on the end of the script name as a variable!
Version: 1.0.0 Dateigröße: 1009 bytes
Eingetragen am: 12. 02. 2004 Wartende Downloads: 1088
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Kategorie: - Nuke Mods & Hacks

  Chat SPhat vs.  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: SPChat is a PHP based realtime Chat System for Postnuke and above. As Postnuke contains the Adodb library, this archive doesn' t include it!
Version: Dateigröße: 483.19 Kb
Eingetragen am: 19. 02. 2004 Wartende Downloads: 1088
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Kategorie: - PostNuke-Adapting

  PHPNuke 7.2 Security-Patch vs. 2.9  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: The latest patch for PHP-Nuke 7.2 Just about all variables have been secured against sql injection by running a check on their content before inserting anything into the database tables and after having extracted anything from them as well, any module that had not been secured before has been included as well as all admin files!
Version: 2.9 Dateigröße: 908.23 Kb
Eingetragen am: 12. 03. 2005 Wartende Downloads: 1088
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Kategorie: - Nuke Fixes-Security

  FTP-Server glFTPd vs. 1.2.9  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: GlFTPd is an ftp server (or demon, but not daemon, it does not run continuously in background). A new instance of glftpd is started by inetd (the inet daemon) each time a user connects. Inetd listens on a certain port, and when it establishes a connection, it starts tcpd, which in turn passes the connection on to glftpd (assuming the incoming IP passes the rules in /etc/hosts.allow and /etc/hosts.deny). You can take tcpd out and have inetd start glftpd directly, but you need to specify a dummy first parameter to glftpd in inetd.conf if you do that!
Version: 1.2.9 Dateigröße: 1.50 MB
Eingetragen am: 15. 03. 2003 Wartende Downloads: 1087
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Kategorie: Zubehör: FTP / ZIP

  Projekt-Modul  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: Modul zur Vorstellung von Projekten, die Projekte werden aufgelistet und mit einem Klick auf das Projekt bekommt man mehr Infos zu dem jeweiligen Projekt (mit Administration)!
Version: 1.0 Dateigröße: 9.28 Kb
Eingetragen am: 27. 07. 2003 Wartende Downloads: 1087
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Kategorie: Nuke-Module/Zusätzliche

  News Page Numbers for 5.6-6.0  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: Adds index page numbers to your news module, this version is for 5.6-6.0!
Version: 1.4.2 Dateigröße: 7.88 Kb
Eingetragen am: 27. 07. 2003 Wartende Downloads: 1087
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Kategorie: Nuke-Module/Basic

  NSN Your_Account-Modul 650 Alpha  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: Features in this version (+ denotes new features in this version):
+ Mail domains can be blocked from being used for new user accounts.
- These are stored in the config table.
+ Strings can be blocked from being used in new user account usernames.
- These are stored in the config table.
+ Account Activation time can be set from No Limit to 30 days.
+ Email must be entered twice to help prevent typos in email addresses.
+ Username min and max length are settable.
+ Password min and max length are settable.
+ New user account must fill out the profile form before being activated.
+ More minor updates.
- Addition of ChatServ's Avatar Control Panel.
- Improved scripting.
- Enhanced Admin panels.
- Greater control of users.
- Admin can turn the security image on or off.
- Forced login to use username in database. i.e. Test not test
- Admins can allow user self deletion.
- Admins can block user email changes.
- Admins can block user theme changes.
- Admins can choose to bypass email activation.
- Admins can now modify pending user details.
- Admins can now view pending user details.
- Admins can resend Activation Email.
- Admins can suspend users.
- Allows for Required User approval by Admin.
- Blocks usernames with preset strings in them.
- Cookie killer routine for suspended and deactivated accounts.
- Improved NavBar scripting.
- Optionally send the admin an email when someone registers.
- Optionally send the admin an email when someone unregisters.
- Provides for servers without mail support.
- Users can be promoted to Admin by SuperUser ONLY.
- Also sets the user account as forum admin!
(Deutschsprachige NSN-Scripte finden Sie bei!)
Version: 320_A1 Dateigröße: 80.57 Kb
Eingetragen am: 08. 02. 2004 Wartende Downloads: 1087
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Kategorie: Nuke-Module/NSN

  Video-Konverter Flask-Mpeg vs.  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: Flask-MPEG wandelt MPG-Dateien (z.B. von einer Video-Kamera oder einer ungeschützten DVD) in komprimierte AVI-Dateien um. Auf dem System sollte aber ein leistungsfähiger Video-Codec installiert sein, etwa Divx 5.1.1 Standard (für Windows 95, 98, ME, NT4, 2000, XP)!
Version: Dateigröße: 944.50 Kb
Eingetragen am: 17. 02. 2004 Wartende Downloads: 1087
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Kategorie: Zubehör: MultiMedia

  Login-Site-Tracker-Block  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: All in one - user/admin login with site tracker details, added user avatar and page views features!
Version: 1.0 Dateigröße: 23.52 Kb
Eingetragen am: 06. 08. 2004 Wartende Downloads: 1087
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Kategorie: Nuke-Blöcke/Zusätzliche

  Forum News Advanced vs. 1.3.2  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: This system allows you to have forumpost that show up on the mainpage of nuke. Comes with an admin panel and is fully configurable and translatable. For phpNUKE Version 6.5 - 6.8!
Version: 1.3.2 Dateigröße: 322.31 Kb
Eingetragen am: 29. 07. 2003 Wartende Downloads: 1086
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Kategorie: Nuke-Module/Zusätzliche

Beschreibung: Gold variant of the stock NSN-Nuke theme with a basic phpBB theme included. Includes topic images and admin images!
(Deutschsprachige NSN-Scripte finden Sie bei!)
Version: 1.0.0 Dateigröße: 312.97 Kb
Eingetragen am: 07. 02. 2004 Wartende Downloads: 1086
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Kategorie: Nuke-Themes/NSN

  MatchBall V2.1  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: A topic based Theme/Template Combo. Designed for tennis clubs and fan sites! Version 2.x colored in very dark olive colors. Included in this Full Package: phpNuke 6.0 Theme, phpbb2 port Template, Mozaks_News in matchball matching colors!
Version: 2.1 Dateigröße: 366.93 Kb
Eingetragen am: 01. 12. 2002 Wartende Downloads: 1085
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Kategorie: Nuke-Themes/Einzelne

  V-Tech vs. 1.0  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: A joined theme between (Brumie) and (Mikey) called V-Tech has been released with special features, Flash Shoutbox!
Version: 1.0 Dateigröße: 126.60 Kb
Eingetragen am: 05. 02. 2003 Wartende Downloads: 1085
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Kategorie: Nuke-Themes/Einzelne

  OSC2NUKE Admin Fix for Nuke  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: Make sure you have this file! Fixes the take over admin bug for phpnuke! Extract this file into your root directory replacing your current admin.php file and to support this site click on one of the advertisements at the bottom of each forum page!
Version: 1.0 Dateigröße: 5.51 Kb
Eingetragen am: 09. 12. 2003 Wartende Downloads: 1085
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Kategorie: ! osC & Nuke / osC 2 Nuke

Beschreibung: Argent theme from NSN-France!
(Deutschsprachige NSN-Scripte finden Sie bei!)
Version: 1.0.0 Dateigröße: 474.52 Kb
Eingetragen am: 07. 02. 2004 Wartende Downloads: 1085
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Kategorie: Nuke-Themes/NSN

  Symantec Modul vs. 1.0  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: A simple created Module with 4 pieces in it, first-Latest threats, Top threats, Removal tools and search function for the threats database. Simple but a good view on whats going on. Recommended for 800x600 res. For phpNUKE Version 6.0 - 7.0!
Version: 1.0 Dateigröße: 4.61 Kb
Eingetragen am: 07. 02. 2004 Wartende Downloads: 1085
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Kategorie: Nuke-Module/Zusätzliche

  phpMyAdmin vs. 2.4.0 rc1  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: phpMyAdmin is a tool written in PHP intended to handle the administration of MySQL over the WWW. Currently it can create and DROP databases, create/drop/alter tables, delete/edit/add fields, execute any SQL statement, manage keys on fields!
Version: 2.4.0 rc1 Dateigröße: 925.65 Kb
Eingetragen am: 05. 02. 2003 Wartende Downloads: 1084
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Kategorie: Zubehör: LAMP/WAMP

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