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  MyShowtimes  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: MyShowtimes is a PHP-Nuke module that allows admins to add showtimes to their PHP-Nuke site. The showtimes are ripped from and placed on your site. Admins can choose to display showtimes from any number of theaters. MyShowtimes is developed on PHP-Nuke 6.5 but might work on other versions!
Version: 1.0 Dateigröße: 69.89 Kb
Eingetragen am: 27. 07. 2003 Wartende Downloads: 980
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Kategorie: Nuke-Module/Zusätzliche

  phpMyAdmin vs. 2.5.2  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: phpMyAdmin is a tool written in PHP intended to handle the administration of MySQL over the WWW. Currently it can create and DROP databases, create/drop/alter tables, delete/edit/add fields, execute any SQL statement, manage keys on fields!
Version: 2.5.2 Dateigröße: 1.66 MB
Eingetragen am: 27. 07. 2003 Wartende Downloads: 979
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Kategorie: Zubehör: LAMP/WAMP

  ClearChat vs. 1.0  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: ClearChat is a simple PHP/MySQL chat block with an HTML-interface. ClearChat is designed for use with PHP-Nuke 6.5 and uses the registered users data in its security system. It is only usable for registered users who are logged in. Users can undock the chat from the site itself so that it operates almost like you are talking to someone with MSN, ICQ etc. Also features smilies, autolinking of URLs, log, BB-code and a powerful admin area where you have full control over the chatters. Developed for and tested on PHP-Nuke 6.5 only! Also tested for later versions of Internet Explorer, Netscape Navigator/Mozilla and Opera. ClearChat module is now configured for easy translation, clear swearwords and little bit design!
Version: 1.0 Dateigröße: 198.27 Kb
Eingetragen am: 27. 07. 2003 Wartende Downloads: 1338
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Kategorie: Nuke-Module/Chats

  mp3 Player Block  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: This is a MINI mp3 player block for phpnuke v6.x. Just 130*130! Easy to install. You can add your own mp3 files and titles in playlist.xml. Options on player: Play, stop, next song, prev song, next playlist, prev playlist, volume control!
Version: 1.0 Dateigröße: 29.41 Kb
Eingetragen am: 27. 07. 2003 Wartende Downloads: 1740
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Kategorie: Nuke-Blöcke/Music

  Banner Generator FastBanner3  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: Mit diesem Modul könnt ihr Euren Besuchern einen Banner-Generator anbieten, mit dem sie Banner erstellen können auf Eurer Seite und diese dann auch speichern und nutzen können!
(With this module can offer to your visitors a banner generator you, with that it banners provide can on your side, and these then store and to use be able. 3 languages: german/france/english)!
Version: 3.0 Dateigröße: 91.98 Kb
Eingetragen am: 27. 07. 2003 Wartende Downloads: 1460
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Kategorie: Nuke-Module/Zusätzliche

  NewsGrabber vs. 0.3  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: NewsGrabber will scan sites according to given profiles, will extract news from them and add them to your submitted news queue on phpnuke. It's fast, It's free and it's modular - which means you can write your own profiles and scan whatever sites you want. This script was tested to run as an admin module on phpnuke 6.5. I have no idea if it works on any higher versions cause I, like most people, am not a PHPNUKE CLUB member and cannot download 6.8. However, since the script doesn't use any SQL calls (except in submitting the news to the queue) it is likely to work on newer versions as well!
Version: 0.3 Dateigröße: 12.55 Kb
Eingetragen am: 27. 07. 2003 Wartende Downloads: 1020
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Kategorie: Nuke-Module/Zusätzliche

  MentholChat vs. 0.1  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: MentholChat is a lite version of an HTTP IRC interface I've been working on (you can see it working at, you think the code to this looks ugly? You should see the IRC version :D This version only works on Unix/Linux, it makes it easy to add as many chatrooms to your site as you want, and as a result of the connection being kept open and new data delivered on the fly, it's a joy to use and the bandwidth overhead in a busy chat is tiny. When lurking and watching a very active conversation, you can expect each client connected to the server to be pulling down about 50k per hour. It's tested in Avant, Konqueror, Mozilla, Netscape, Internet Explorer, Opera, Nautilus and Galeon (most recent versions of all). Of those, Konqueror doesn't automatically move to the newest line of text, and Galeon doesn't like it at all (although I'm starting to think Galeon maybe just doesn't like *me*) the rest all work and look about as similar as similar things. Oh, and if you want to post pictures, you just enter the URL, they're all the same size in the frame though (so hrunk/grown accordingly)!
Version: 0.1 Dateigröße: 6.45 Kb
Eingetragen am: 27. 07. 2003 Wartende Downloads: 1254
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Kategorie: Nuke-Module/Chats

  Content Modul vs. 6.5 Fix  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: Content List disappears when using PHP-NUKE 6.5 hosted on YAHOO servers. The problem is caused by a MYSQL database connection loss. The loss occurs after you have added a dozen or so pages of content in one or more categories.
The problem also occurs when you try to browse the nuke_pages table. Most likely a MYSQL environment variable needs to be modified to correct the problem. I am not familiar enough with the database so I corrected the problem by modifying two select statements in the contents module.
The problem can be corrected by editing the index.php member of the contents module. Perform a find command on _page_cat. Change the * in the first two select statements you find to pid. The selects are retrieving row counts and they do not need to retrieve all of the columns for each row. This change has corrected the problem so far!
Version: 1.0 Dateigröße: 853 bytes
Eingetragen am: 27. 07. 2003 Wartende Downloads: 1433
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Kategorie: - Nuke Fixes-Bugs

  Amazon-Block vs. 2.6  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: Better Install / Update feature. New direct product link method to NukeAmazon is a complete package for Affiliate members to advertise products sold by in their PHP-Nuke powered Web sites and earn up to 15% in referral fees. This software exploits the Amazon Web Services version 3.0 using XML-based protocols to integrate features and content into your Web site. Included in this package are blocks and administration / configuration files that allows the Web site Administrator to manage very easily the display of Amazon products. Now simpler to install and manage. You enter Amazon product numbers (ASIN) in the admin page and the script does the rest. It has a hits and click through counter so you know which featured and not featured items are more popular and have been sent to Amazon for purchase. It gets the product's information available from Amazon’s servers and displays it in your web site. Every time the page is refreshed a new item is shown on the Amazon block. When the site visitor clicks on the item, the server loads a page with detailed information of the item. Related items and a search form are shown so that your visitor sees more products that are available for purchase so you can earn more commissions. New to this release is the ability to review products. For phpNUKE Version 6.0 - 6.7!
Version: 2.6 Dateigröße: 223.07 Kb
Eingetragen am: 27. 07. 2003 Wartende Downloads: 1414
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Kategorie: Nuke-Blöcke/Shopping

  Googlifier-Reviews  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: This will add 2 new review modules to PHP-Nuke 6.5 which are compatible with GOOGLIFIER . GOOGLIFIER MUST BE INSTALLED! Also included is a modified review block which shows latest reviews from all 3 categories (based on the mod already available elsewhere). It seems that GOOGLIFIER doesn't like having a number at the end of the review for extra review mods such as reviews2 etc... so this is a hack which names the extra mods to sreviews and mreviews so that they can be used with GOOGLIFIER!
Version: 1.0 Dateigröße: 97.70 Kb
Eingetragen am: 28. 07. 2003 Wartende Downloads: 1236
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Kategorie: Nuke-Module/Zusätzliche

  MyClients  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: Keeps track of current and future clients. Add, Delete, and Modify client information Keeps track of a clients login/pass 'Forgot Pass' form Admin can add notes and extra info about a client!
Version: 1.0 Dateigröße: 3.73 Kb
Eingetragen am: 28. 07. 2003 Wartende Downloads: 948
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Kategorie: Nuke-Module/Zusätzliche

  Website Document Modul NnukeStyles vs. 1.0  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: With this Website Documents Module, you will be able to give your website & visitors the protection that is needed when running a website. The included files help protect your website, with a disclaimer statement, privacy statement, terms of service statement, and a custom about us page. The disclaimer and terms of service statements help protect your website from theft, copyright infringement, and damage that can be done from people using your services, information, or downloads, in frivolous or erroneous ways. The privacy statement helps protect visitors and their information from being abused, sold, or traded to third parties. The about us page is customizable, and you can turn on or off any of the pages you choose not to use!
Version: 1.0 Dateigröße: 20.57 Kb
Eingetragen am: 28. 07. 2003 Wartende Downloads: 1013
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Kategorie: Nuke-Module/Zusätzliche

  KzmMultiTV Block  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: KzmMultiTV is a Block that, thanks to its flexibility and semplicità of use, will sure trigger the fantasy of the Nuke Community to the search of the application more originates them. Its an applet that introduces an effect similar to the tv multiscreen, with possibility visualizing every image in one cell. It can show until 9 images or one great image uniform in 9 sections (correspondent to 9 small screen) or still 9 different images. Its also possible to have instead of 9 small different images, one great image (2x2) and others 5 small. All the images can be managed thanks to comfortable rows in which you insert the names and the links, moreover other parameters are configurabili many as the duration cycles, sequence, etc... . For phpNUKE Version 6.0!
Version: 1.0 Dateigröße: 37.96 Kb
Eingetragen am: 28. 07. 2003 Wartende Downloads: 1316
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Kategorie: Nuke-Blöcke/Zusätzliche

  Flash eCards  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: Just a simple flash ecard service, you can select & preview ecards before you send them, each one has its own taste. You can also forward the ecard if you want, and other ops. Its nothing big, just thought it be cool to have in a nuke. The best of all, i made it real ez to install - no mysql, only 2 php files and 2 lines to config!
Version: 1.0 Dateigröße: 1.54 MB
Eingetragen am: 30. 07. 2003 Wartende Downloads: 1454
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Kategorie: Nuke-Module/e-Cards

  Flash Translator Modul vs. 1.0  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: The Flash Translation module is tested for phpnuke v6.5 and higher. Very easy just copy folder to your modules folder on your phpnuke powered website and activate it in admin menu. Thats all. With this module you can translate text from: English to French, English to Chinese, English to German, English to Italian, English to Portugese, English to Spanish, English to Japanese, English to Korean, French to English, French to German, German to English, German to French, Chinese to English Korean to English, Italian to English, Portugese to English, Russian to English, Spanish to English, Japanese to English!
Version: 1.0 Dateigröße: 90.55 Kb
Eingetragen am: 02. 08. 2003 Wartende Downloads: 1261
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Kategorie: Nuke-Module/Flash

  Ma Boutique (My Shop)  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: My shop is a new module for phpnuke. It is a small personal shop so that an individual can sell objects from his site. The module is available in 2 French languages and English and has 2 blocks also available.
This module will make it possible to the private individuals to simply sell their personal objects on their phpnuke's site.
Several admin can add categories/products Statistics on the categories and products.
Management of the orders with filling.
Displacement of product of a category towards another.
Given to zero of the hits/votes (all or by categories) Management of problem on products.
Addition and suppression of the online images.
Creation of automatic thumbnail (if the format of the image allows it).
New Page products, popular, + evaluated, search engine, produced by salesman, basket...
And many other options which you will discover by using this module!
Version: 1.0 Dateigröße: 220.43 Kb
Eingetragen am: 27. 08. 2003 Wartende Downloads: 1397
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Kategorie: Nuke-Module/Shopping

  Gallery vs. 1.4  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: Gallery is a slick, intuitive web based photo gallery with authenticated users and privileged albums. Easy to install, configure and use. Photo management includes automatic thumbnails, resizing, rotation, etc. User privileges make this great for communities, and Gallery integrates seamlessly into PHP-Nuke as an Addon.
Version 1.4 premieres some major new features: Gallery is now internationalized, and can be displayed in more than 20 languages, with more on the way! In addition, we've completely overhauled the documentation and made it more accessible and more informative. Other changes include ownership of individual album items, not just of albums, and a slew of minor improvements and bugfixes.
Other new features for Gallery 1.4 include:
• Support for lossless JPEG rotation, and new "flip photo" options
• Image size and JPEG EXIF data can be displayed below photos
• Data loss prevented if disk space is exceeded
• Image dimensions and file size can be restricted
• Support for "*" wildcards in search field
• Add items to front or back of album
• Tons of other feature enhancements and bugfixes!
Version: 1.4 Dateigröße: 1.79 MB
Eingetragen am: 16. 09. 2003 Wartende Downloads: 1583
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Kategorie: Nuke-Module/Galerien

  SubmitNews mit HappyPicture  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: Mit HappyPicture ist es endlich möglich, auf simple Art und Weise Artikel mit Bild zu schreiben. HappyPicture ist ein Patch für das Standardmodul "SubmitNews" und braucht nur wenige Modifikationen am Nuke zur Installation. Konzipiert ist das Skript für Php-NUke 6.5, es ist aber auch für viele ältere Versionen anpassbar!
(By using HappyPicture, articles with pictures can finally be written easily. HappyPicture is a patch for the standard module "SubmitNews", and the installation needs only a few modifications at the nuke. The script was designed for Php-NUke 6.5. But, it can also be adapted for many previous versions!)
Version: 1.0 Dateigröße: 60.90 Kb
Eingetragen am: 23. 09. 2003 Wartende Downloads: 1337
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Kategorie: Nuke-Module/Basic

  Documents Modul vs. 1.2  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: Allows users to browse specified directories on the server and download files. Directory permissions set by forum groups. Permissions and directory descriptions can be modified by admins!
Version: 1.2 Dateigröße: 26.42 Kb
Eingetragen am: 23. 09. 2003 Wartende Downloads: 1057
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Kategorie: Nuke-Module/Zusätzliche

  Wishlist Modul vs. Beta 4.5  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: The wishlist module enables you to run a system where your users can submit their wishs and ideas for the site, so you can build your site based on what the users want on the site, ONLY IN BETA STAGE SO IT IS NOT RECOMMENDED FOR USE, ONLY FOR TESTING!
Version: Beta 4.5 Dateigröße: 13.56 Kb
Eingetragen am: 23. 09. 2003 Wartende Downloads: 929
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Kategorie: Nuke-Module/Zusätzliche

  MP3-Interface Zina vs. 0.10.10  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: MP3 / OGG / WAV / WMA / Real Audio streaming
Custom and "Session" Playlists
Random, non-repeating playlists by albums or songs
"Skip Track:" Easily exclude songs from albums and random playlists
Simple Installation (no database)
Easy to configure:(uses regular text and graphic files for customization)
Can be used as a Postnuke or PHPNuke module
Can downsample mp3s on the fly (with external encoder like LAME)
Can dynamically resize images if your version of PHP (with GD library) support it.
Localization support (currently English, German, Dutch, Spanish, Italian, Traditional Chinese, French)
Many of the features of Andromeda
Should run under any platform that PHP4.x runs on
Should run under any browser that supports JavaScript and CSS
Released under GNU General Public License!
Version: 0.10.10 Dateigröße: 67.13 Kb
Eingetragen am: 23. 09. 2003 Wartende Downloads: 1219
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Kategorie: Zubehör: MultiMedia

  Analysis MS vs. 1.1  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: MS-Analysis for phpNUKE Version 6.5 - 6.9 has been released. This script analyses all incoming 'traffic' and stores all properties (like IP -address, hostname, amount of visits) of a member/visitor. An overview is given of:
Countries, Referrals, Searchines Engines, Search queries, browsers, Web Crawlers, Operating Systems, Used Modules, Screen Resolutions, User Stats and Visitors Stats.
This overview is given for:
the 'current' day
the last XX days
all days (since installation).
As admin you can:
Make settings for IP's and Users that should be excluded from being logged.
Define your own search engines that should be logged. 'Auto prune' at definable time stamps the MSA tables Set your time zone (GMT Time).
Make a backup of the gathered statistical data.
MS-Analysis has it's own User Info which is displayed when you are logged in as Admin and click. MS-Analysis is in fact an extended version of PHP-Nuke Statistics.
The following new features have been implemented in v1.1:
Each day the last Page Visits Table is emptied automatically, so that it doesn't become too big any more.
Automatic Pruning of the MSA Tables.
General Overview changes:
User can select and view now the statistics for Today.
Last X days (user defineable)
Overall statistics
New Statistics
Today's Statistics display now graphs for the page visits per hour.
Last X days display now graphs for the page visits per month
Overall statistics display now graphs for the page visits per year.
A link in the PHPNuke Admin GUI to the MSA Admin Settings.
Improved Browser detection: Crazy Browser and NetCaptor are added.
Totals are displayed now in every overview.
Admin Section:
Different Interface
Search for IP-Address
Configuration of Default Overview
Configuration of System Time Zone (GMT setting)
Resetting of Stats Today
Resetting of Stats Last X days
Resetting of ALL stats!
Version: 1.1 Dateigröße: 252.98 Kb
Eingetragen am: 15. 10. 2003 Wartende Downloads: 1429
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Kategorie: Nuke-Module/Statistik

  Documents Modul vs. 1.2.1/0.2.1  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: Allows users to browse configured directories on the server and download / upload files. Ability to access and upload files to directory set by forum groups. Access permissions and directory descriptions can be modified by admins
Version: 121/021 Dateigröße: 65.85 Kb
Eingetragen am: 21. 10. 2003 Wartende Downloads: 950
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Kategorie: Nuke-Module/Zusätzliche

  MP3 Interface Jinzora vs. 0.9.1  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: Jinzora is a web-based Media Jukebox. New in this version is PHPNuke and Shoutcasting support, so Jinzora can easily front end a linux based Shoutcast server!
Version: 0.9.1 Dateigröße: 515.89 Kb
Eingetragen am: 21. 10. 2003 Wartende Downloads: 1156
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Kategorie: Nuke-Module/Movies&Music

  OsCommerce Modul vs. 1.0  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: This module integrates OSCOMMERCE 2.2 MileStone into your phpnuke portal and was tested on phpNUKE Version 6.5 - 6.9. This is a new variant of the integration with phpnuke. The oscommerce is a standalone application and not in one way this has been touched or modified. All nessecary info you can find in the install/readme.txt!
Version: 1.0 Dateigröße: 1.45 MB
Eingetragen am: 21. 10. 2003 Wartende Downloads: 1371
Homepage | Bewerten | Details
Kategorie: Nuke-Module/Shopping

  Sections Modul vs. 6-7  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: A modified Sections module - you don't need any graphics for the Sections any longer. You can choose! Graphic or no graphic. If you don't want to show a graphic, the Category name will be shown. The clearness of the articles is also much better, too!
Version: 6-7 Dateigröße: 41.08 Kb
Eingetragen am: 08. 11. 2003 Wartende Downloads: 1158
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Kategorie: Nuke-Module/Basic

  phpMyAdmin vs. 2.5.4  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: phpMyAdmin is a tool written in PHP intended to handle the administration of MySQL over the WWW. Currently it can create and DROP databases, create/drop/alter tables, delete/edit/add fields, execute any SQL statement, manage keys on fields!
Version: 2.5.4 Dateigröße: 1.70 MB
Eingetragen am: 08. 11. 2003 Wartende Downloads: 979
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Kategorie: Zubehör: LAMP/WAMP

  Iconos Gifs  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: You can personalize the icons of your theme by means of these games of icons for the modules Your Account and Webmail. They are in five tonalities: Red, green, blue, yellow and gray!
Version: 1.0 Dateigröße: 140.77 Kb
Eingetragen am: 09. 11. 2003 Wartende Downloads: 1172
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Kategorie: - Nuke Graphics

  ModuleMaker vs. 1.0  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: Module Maker is an open source Module Development Tool for phpNUKE Version 6.0 - 7.0. I created it because I have not seen an easy to use module creator for beginning users of PHP-Nuke. This tool allows you to quickly and easily create modules for PHP-Nuke that any user can use!
Version: 1.0 Dateigröße: 83.98 Kb
Eingetragen am: 09. 11. 2003 Wartende Downloads: 1044
Homepage | Bewerten | Details
Kategorie: ! PHPNuke-Admin-Tools

  NSN Center Blocks 650_200  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: This addon allows you to have 3 center blocks at the top and 3 center blocks at the bottom of your page. You can set height and width values for the overall size. For phpNUKE Version 6.5!
(Deutschsprachige NSN-Scripte finden Sie bei!)
Version: 2.0.0 Dateigröße: 10.90 Kb
Eingetragen am: 09. 11. 2003 Wartende Downloads: 1160
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Kategorie: Nuke-Blöcke/NSN

  NSN Center Blocks 660_200  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: This addon allows you to have 3 center blocks at the top and 3 center blocks at the bottom of your page. You can set height and width values for the overall size. For phpNUKE Version 6.6!
(Deutschsprachige NSN-Scripte finden Sie bei!)
Version: 2.0.0 Dateigröße: 10.91 Kb
Eingetragen am: 09. 11. 2003 Wartende Downloads: 1126
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Kategorie: Nuke-Blöcke/NSN

  NSN Center Blocks 670_200  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: This addon allows you to have 3 center blocks at the top and 3 center blocks at the bottom of your page. You can set height and width values for the overall size. For phpNUKE Version 6.7!
(Deutschsprachige NSN-Scripte finden Sie bei!)
Version: 2.0.0 Dateigröße: 10.90 Kb
Eingetragen am: 09. 11. 2003 Wartende Downloads: 1152
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Kategorie: Nuke-Blöcke/NSN

  NSN Center Blocks 680_200  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: This addon allows you to have 3 center blocks at the top and 3 center blocks at the bottom of your page. You can set height and width values for the overall size. For phpNUKE Version 6.8!
(Deutschsprachige NSN-Scripte finden Sie bei!)
Version: 2.0.0 Dateigröße: 10.90 Kb
Eingetragen am: 09. 11. 2003 Wartende Downloads: 1213
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Kategorie: Nuke-Blöcke/NSN

  NSN Center Blocks 690_200  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: This addon allows you to have 3 center blocks at the top and 3 center blocks at the bottom of your page. You can set height and width values for the overall size. For phpNUKE Version 6.9!
Version: 2.0.0 Dateigröße: 10.91 Kb
Eingetragen am: 09. 11. 2003 Wartende Downloads: 1199
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Kategorie: Nuke-Blöcke/News

  NSN Center Blocks 700_200  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: This addon allows you to have 3 center blocks at the top and 3 center blocks at the bottom of your page. You can set height and width values for the overall size. For phpNUKE Version 7.0!
(Deutschsprachige NSN-Scripte finden Sie bei!)
Version: 2.0.0 Dateigröße: 10.90 Kb
Eingetragen am: 09. 11. 2003 Wartende Downloads: 1250
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Kategorie: Nuke-Blöcke/NSN

  SiteUpdate vs. 2.0.0  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: SiteUpdates 2.0 is a small Addon for phpNUKE Version 6.5 that the Admin of a Homepage permits to point out to its visitors, what is added so far on its Homepage since the publication e.g. innovations, error corrections etc.. The Admin can modify naturally comfortably on-line all entries, deletes or new entries to add. This Addon is based on an early idea of Jeff Lambert ( so well it pleased me that I took its for phpNuke 4.x written version as stimulus, to write a version for phpNUKE Version 6.5!
Version: 2.0.0 Dateigröße: 7.73 Kb
Eingetragen am: 09. 11. 2003 Wartende Downloads: 928
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Kategorie: Nuke-Module/Zusätzliche

  Documents Modul vs. 1.2.1/0.2.2  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: Allows users to browse specified directories on the server and download files. Directory permissions set by forum groups. Permissions and directory descriptions can be modified by admins. Included languages: Danish, Dutch, English, French, German, Greek, Italian, Norwegian, Spanish & Turkish. For phpNUKE Version 6.0 - 6.9!
Version: 0.2.2 Dateigröße: 178.57 Kb
Eingetragen am: 09. 11. 2003 Wartende Downloads: 1170
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Kategorie: Nuke-Module/Zusätzliche

  NukeSuperMarket vs. 0.2.0  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: The new affiliate based Nuke Super Market module has been released. It allows you to add affiliate schemes to your site on a click by click basis and hooks up directly to a massive affiliate site selling absolutely anything that you can imagine. The affiliate scheme is very reputable and well established. For phpNUKE Version 6.5 - 6.9!
Version: 0.2.0 Dateigröße: 52.15 Kb
Eingetragen am: 09. 11. 2003 Wartende Downloads: 1230
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Kategorie: Nuke-Module/Shopping

  PC game wallpaper block vs. 1.0  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: A PC game wallpaper block for your game sites. The wallpapers are from you can see it in action on the right side. For phpNUKE Version 6.0 - 7.0!
Version: 1.0 Dateigröße: 689 bytes
Eingetragen am: 09. 11. 2003 Wartende Downloads: 1275
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Kategorie: Nuke-Blöcke/Games

  NukeSuperMarket vs. 0.2.5  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: Announcing the latest 0.2.5 version of the Nuke Super Market. It allows you to add affiliate schemes to your site on a click by click basis and hooks up directly to a massive affiliate site selling absolutely anything that you can imagine. The affiliate scheme is very reputable and well established. Check out an example at This version can now display all of your target products on the front page and is more integrated with the search engines to drive more traffic and more commissions to you!
Version: 0.2.5 Dateigröße: 46.35 Kb
Eingetragen am: 09. 11. 2003 Wartende Downloads: 1200
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Kategorie: Nuke-Module/Shopping

  NSN Contents vs. 2.5.0 700  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: Features:
- Compatible with PHP-Nuke 6.7.0.
- You decide how many items per page to display thru the admin script.
- You decide which of 7 date display formats to use.
- You decide how many characters to display in titles thru the admin script.
- Displays the "NEW" and "POP" icons for each item that meets the requirements.
- Is language file compatible (currently in 1 language).
- Checks for Admin status and displays "EDIT" function if authorized.
- Comes with it's own graphics so it doesn't depend on PHP-Nuke graphics.
- Has a readme file to SHOW where to place the different files.
- No config files needed. Admin script stores config DATA in a db table.
- Admin file installs/updates the database.
- Comes with:
- A module which lists all of your items across multiple pages.
- 2 blocks, the first block lists the Top items, and the second lists the Newest items.
- Auto senses if it "Is In The Home" and uses the correct linking.
- Corrected a rare "new" icon problem in the dating.
- Admin can select to hide item date.
- Admin can select to hide item hits.
(Deutschsprachige NSN-Scripte finden Sie bei!)
Version: 2.5.0 Dateigröße: 17.86 Kb
Eingetragen am: 09. 11. 2003 Wartende Downloads: 1009
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Kategorie: Nuke-Module/NSN

  NSN IP Banner 700 vs. 1.3.1  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: Features:
-) Check a list of known web havesters.
-) Compare the ip of the WH to the list of ip in your ban list.
-) Ban the ip range 158.648.359.X or the full ip 158.648.359.45.
-) Either display a default page or redirect the offender to a url.
-) Has an admin section allowing you to add, delete, or modify banned ip's.
-) Is always on, no need to worry if you forgot to turn it on.
-) HarvestList now editable thru the IP Banner Admin panel.
-) Added fields to the ip bane table for user_id, agent, and date.
-) *nix server sites can now write the banned IP to their .htaccess file upon banning.
-) Cleaned up code and variables.
-) Enhanced IP Banner admin panel.
(Deutschsprachige NSN-Scripte finden Sie bei!)
Version: 1.3.1 Dateigröße: 47.57 Kb
Eingetragen am: 09. 11. 2003 Wartende Downloads: 1079
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Kategorie: Nuke-Module/NSN

  SubmitNews HappyPicture vs. 1.0  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: Mit HappyPicture ist es endlich möglich, auf simple Art und Weise Artikel mit Bild zu schreiben. HappyPicture ist ein Patch für das Standardmodul "SubmitNews", und braucht nur wenige Modifikationen am Nuke zur Installation. Konzipiert ist das Skript für Php-NUke 6.5, es ist aber auch auf vielen älteren Versionen anpassbar!
(By using HappyPicture, articles with pictures can finally be written easily. HappyPicture is a patch for the standard module "SubmitNews", and the installation needs only a few modifications at the nuke. The script was designed for Php-NUke 6.5. But, it can also be adapted for many previous versions!)
Version: 1.0 Dateigröße: 62.16 Kb
Eingetragen am: 13. 11. 2003 Wartende Downloads: 1354
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Kategorie: Nuke-Module/Basic

  eCards vs. 1.5  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: Virtual Greeting Card system for postNUKE Version 0.7.2.x sites. Now, you can use the Gallery module of Bharat Mediratta or any other photo gallery module as a source of pictures for your ecards module!
Version: 1.5 Dateigröße: 3.96 MB
Eingetragen am: 13. 11. 2003 Wartende Downloads: 1059
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Kategorie: - PostNuke-Adapting

  HTML Newsletter vs. 1.1  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: Dieses Script ermöglicht es unter phpNUKE Version 6.5 - 7.0, einen HTML Newsletter an alle User zu versenden. Eigenes Template und eine Textanzeige für User ohne HTML Emailer zeichnen das Script aus, natürlich hat es auch eine Vorschau des Designs vor dem Absenden!
(This Script is for phpNUKE Version 6.5 - 7.0 and above. It makes it possible to send a HTML Newsletter to all Users in databse. For Users who can not read HTML Emails, it mails an Plain/Text Part, too. The Script has an Preview Option and the Layout for the Email is easy to change!)
Version: 1.1 Dateigröße: 4.81 Kb
Eingetragen am: 13. 11. 2003 Wartende Downloads: 1317
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Kategorie: Nuke-Module/Newsletter

  WebMin vs. 1.121  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: Webmin is a web-based interface for system administration for Unix. Using any browser that supports tables and forms, you can setup user accounts, Apache, internet services, DNS, file sharing and so on. Webmin consists of a simple web server, and a number of CGI programs which directly update system files like /etc/inetd.conf and /etc/passwd. The web server and all CGI programs are written in Perl version 5, and use only the standard perl modules.
Version 1.121 (9 Nov 2003):
Added the SpamAssassin Mail Filter module.
Added the Protected Web Directories module, for creating .htaccess and htpasswd files.
Included support in the MySQL and PostgreSQL modules for scheduled backups.
The Cluster Webmin Servers module can now be used to synchronize Webmin users and groups across multiple servers.
The same module can also upgrade Webmin on multiple servers, if installed from an RPM or tar.gz file.
Added the ability to listen on multiple IP addresses and ports.
Added buttons in the Bootup and Shutdown module for enabling or disabling multiple actions at boot time.
Version: 1.121 Dateigröße: 64.70 MB
Eingetragen am: 13. 11. 2003 Wartende Downloads: 1179
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Kategorie: Zubehör: Weiteres

  HTML Newsletter vs. 1.2  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: Mit diesem Script für phpNUKE Version 6.5 - 7.0 ist es möglich, HTML Newsletter an Deine User zu versenden, entweder an alle User, oder nur an Newsletter-Empfänger, welche dies in Ihrem Profil erlauben. Du kannst das Design des Newsletters frei anpassen, dazu muss nur die Tabelle geändert bzw. die entsprechenden Farbcodes und Bilder ausgetauscht werden.
(With this script for phpNUKE Version 6.5 - 7.0 it's possible to Mail HTML Newsletters to your users. You can choose between ALL Users or those who have activated the Newsletter receivemend in their profile. You can modify the design of the newsletter free, only have to edit the tables, colors and images.)
Version: 1.2 Dateigröße: 12.71 Kb
Eingetragen am: 24. 11. 2003 Wartende Downloads: 1455
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Kategorie: Nuke-Module/Newsletter

  Mozaks News vs. 0.3  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: This module is used to list news articles by topics in your nuke home with customisable title lengths, article information, number of topic columns in a row, display images and colouring to suit your theme.
For a working example click here or visit our homepage.
- Topic image / title or both can be displayed
- Full news name is displayed in a mouse over
- News information is easily customisable to include
- No. of reads
- No. of comments
- Informant
- Score
- Date
- News images can be added.
New in version 0.3:
- Admin can select topics to be displayed at home
- Admin can set the topics display order
- Set the number of topics columns.
If you have installed version 0.2 before, just download this file and replace modules/mozaks_news/index.php with this new file or, if you have not, just follow the steps in readme file!
Version: 0.3 Dateigröße: 9.90 Kb
Eingetragen am: 24. 11. 2003 Wartende Downloads: 1111
Homepage | Bewerten | Details
Kategorie: Nuke-Module/Zusätzliche

  FTP-Server ProFTPD vs. 1.2.9  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: ProFTPD is a highly configurable FTP daemon for Unix and Unix-like operating systems. See the README.ports file for more details about the platforms on which ProFTPD in known or thought to build and run. ProFTPD grew from a desire for a secure and configurable FTP server. It was inspired by a significant admiration of the Apache web server. Unlike most other Unix ftp servers, it has not been derived from the old BSD ftpd code base, but is a completely new design and implementation. ProFTPD's extensive configurability provides systems adminstrators great flexibility in user authentication and access controls, including virtual ftp users and easy chroot() ftp sessions for individual users!
Version: 1.2.9 Dateigröße: 972.02 Kb
Eingetragen am: 24. 11. 2003 Wartende Downloads: 1055
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Kategorie: Zubehör: FTP / ZIP

  HTTP Referers Mod 1.0  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: This mod basically gives you 3 different views of the Referers information. You can view by list (original view), by website (grouped by the hostname), or by the date (date that it was recorded). Also on the list and website views, each url will only be listed once, with a number of the listings listed after it!
Version: 1.0 Dateigröße: 3.58 Kb
Eingetragen am: 24. 11. 2003 Wartende Downloads: 1114
Homepage | Bewerten | Details
Kategorie: - Nuke Mods & Hacks

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